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Facebook is not the devil...People are...

shielded2009's picture

I got free passes to the zoo this weekend, so I took DS. I posted the cutest picture of him petting a goat on Facebook...

My SIL posts this rant about me on FB talking about how I treat SD differently because I didn't take her to the zoo, also. She posted that she WANTS me to read it so that I know that I'm wrong...and she WANTS me to say something because her focus is her niece that she is so close to and feels so sorry for...and her "question" to me is if I know what it feels like to be a step child and be rejected...

Mmmkaay...I'm soo the wrong person to play these games with. First and foremost, I won't be acknowledging that I even read her tirade...I don't do passive aggressive stuff...I only only acknowledge face to face questions...And secondly, I need her to fix some 'ish in her own life before she even THINKS about TRYING to get in my business...

Apparently, MIL is in on this, too...

I'm floored because, SIL NEVER, EVER, EVER calls to talk to or check on SD...But they're close? mmmkay...She doesn't buy her gifts for her birthday or Christmas...But they're close? She DEFINITELY doesn't call her when she's at her mom's because SIL and BM hate each other...BUT THEY'RE CLOSE?! mmmkaaay...

Seriously...MIL and SIL are such wack jobs...SIL went over a year telling people that she had breast cancer and even had an mastectomy...AND THE TRUTH IS THAT SHE WAS LYING, trying to get money and sympathy from folks...So has anybody in the family addressed her lies with her?? NOPE! It's like the elephant in the room...

She wants to get in my business...I'mma need her to fess up to her lies, first...ESPECIALLY considering the women and families that are truly dealing with something so serious as breast cancer...and my question to her (since she wants to ask questions), does she know how it feels to be a victim of breast cancer??? Does she know how unfair that is to perpetrate a fraud like that??

And MIL? This dizzy bird...She's been married 3 times...The last one with to a man 78 years old and their relationship was long distance ("dated" him for less than 6 months)...She moved her dizzy ass down to FL and within the year moved back...He put her out...That was 2009...They're still legally married...She moves up here and instead of getting an apartment, she rents out a room in a house...and spend her extra money on a damn face lift....REALLY? And your priorities are where?

GTFOOH you dizzy broads...

Now I know why DH keeps his business separate from them...Now I REALLY understand why he and his mom really didn't talk for like 15 years...I'm starting to get it...

1/2 of the problem is that DH doesn't have things that he does and how he feels they don't know...the only view they have into our lives is VERY one sided...It's from my perspective...I'm constantly posting pictures of DS (for my mom, sister and other family since I live so far away from them), and I DO NOT post pictures of other folk's kids...That includes SD...She's not my child...I'm so freaking against that...

So all they see is me talking about what's going on in my life...Stuff I do...Stuff as it pertains to DS...whatever...

Seems like I'm about to defriend some weirdos...

My biggest anger right now is that they're trying to raise an issue that isn't any of their business...I DO NOT PLAY FOLKS IN MY BUSINESS! I have cut folks out of my life for less...Folks that are supposed to be close to me...

They might think they have the right idea with this, but I'm definitely the wrong mofo to be playing with...


briarmommy's picture

You can manage who see's everything you post on facebook even among your friend list so if you want you can keep them as friends but when you post make the albums available to everyone but them, that way they don't even know they are being excluded and you can avoid some drama. I blocked my MIL from all my tagged photos(pics other people tag me in) because she will get started in on how its wrong how I treat my niece and nephew like my children but don't do as much for SS, even though I do, but my sister posts everything and I don't so like you said it looks one sided. I don't think I should post pictures of SS either because his father doesn't and I am not his parent so why would I.


Yea... I put up with something similar. And I promise even if you had taken SD to the zoo, next time you did something with just DS, they would be doing the same thing. My FB profile has SIL blocked completely for that very reason. Wish I could tell you things get better but I'm going on ten years of the stuff. At least your husband sees it though, mine would rather ignore it and hope it goes away.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Yeah I'd def block them or at the very least limit them as to what they can see, no need for that crap.

And I must say the whole breast cancer thing is like a slap in the face for anyone who has had it or anyone who knows someone who has actually had breast cancer. It's a horrible disease and it's quite painful to watch anyone go through it, espesh those you love and care for. My mother had it.....twice.....had a mastectomy and reconstruction, currently in remission. I hope it doesn't come back but she has soooooooo many other problems now caused from it and the treatments.

shielded2009's picture

Hugs and prayers for your mom and family...I grew up with close family members with cancer, and they lived with us until the end, so I'm very aware and affected by the disease (my sister and I were dang near nurses for them...changing bed pans, sheets, clothes, feeding, etc...)...It was HORRIBLE...So the fact that she faked it, leaves me with NO respect for her. I told my girl friend about this, and she was an oncology nurse, and she literally broke down and cried she was so pissed off...

hismineandours's picture

I've got a sil like this too. Although she sends my dh nasty messages about him choosing me over ss13. Just like your situation, this batty woman has probably gone years without laying eyes on ss and has never bought him a present, attended a bday party, called him on the phone, etc Some people just like to create drama. She wont speak to dh and I was tempted to reply on facebook to her message, but in the end I decided I ddint want to dignify any of the dumb ass things she said.

shielded2009's picture

This is the same, too...The only thing is that SIL doesn't talk to DH either...They're not close at all...DH isn't close to his mom or his in actuality, they have no idea what is going on in my DH's head or what he's doing...they only get what they know about our lives from my FB...

And they're not going to say anything to him...He's trained them to stay out of his business...

DaizyDuke's picture

This drives me nutso. What you do with your DS is you business!!! So they think that everytime you blow DS nose, you need to blow SD's too or you are "treating her differently"? They need to get a life.

BM#1 made a comment to MIL once about how I didn't have skids listed on my FB as my "kids" and about how I only had pics of my BS1. Guess why beeotch? Because I KNOW that if I DID post pics of skids or heaven forbid list them as MY kids I'd get holy hell since they aren't my kids so not even going there.

You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Therefore, I am not friends with either BM and not friends with skids either. Not getting into that drama. Requested.Denied. The only thing that any of them can see are my profile pics (which I of course make sure are Norman Rockwell pics of BS1, DH and I for their nosey viewing pleasure) and if they want to comment ever again, I'll just block all their buttinskies and be done with it.

shielded2009's picture

So they think that everytime you blow DS nose, you need to blow SD's too or you are "treating her differently"?

YES! This is exactly what they think. They think that if I plan DS a birthday party...I need to do the same for her...They think if I take DS to a play house or to the park, I should do the same for her...

Mind you SD only comes over every other weekend...She doesn't live with us...she visits...

DH has "visitation" not "liv-atation"...So of course DS will be doing more with us...