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herewegoagain's Blog

For BMs who "receive" CS...what's your take on it?

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1. What amount is "appropriate" to take care of a child per month?

2. What does the CS amount cover?

3. What is the intent of CS?
a) to ensure the child continues to benefit financially from parent
b) to cover the basic needs of children (food, clothing, shelter)
c) to ensure the child has the same standard of living as if the parents had never divorced

Just wondering...

OT-constant articles on impact of FATHERs, but little on mothers

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I am trying to write about the importance of fathers in a child's life, but of course, I also want to see about mothers. Well, it seems that all over the internet you have this...

If dad isn't there or is a bad dad, the kid will
steal, cheat, lie, beat women, be promiscuous, blah, blah, blah...

yet, I have yet to find a single article saying...

if mom sucks, the kid will...

?, ?, ?

OT-Could it be that he's finally REALLY changing? DH and his family

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So we have been away from his family for over a year now. Of course, DH left my internet router at their house a year ago and has not wanted to go back...ok, that's what he claimed for months. I later found out he's been back a few times, just didn't tell me, but just left the router there for his sister to use...that's what it seems now...hmmm...

Anyway, I might get a job and I told him that I NEED THE ROUTER back...he promised me he'd go get it. So today he calls his sister and their conversation went like this:

OT-autism - a page I wrote...I hope it helps some of you

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I know that dealing with autistic kids can sometimes be hard...step life is difficult enough without the added stress of autism. I wrote this page which has won a Purple Star (a great honor for unique and out of the box thinking) about our journey with autism...I hope that it helps some smoms here deal with the kiddos...they truly are wonderful kids with very delicate hearts.

My intent is to bring acceptance for those with autism and peace to those around them. I hope you find peace.

and then you realize it's not about you...

herewegoagain's picture

or what you want...or what you need...but about what someone else needs and what someone else wants...and it doesn't matter how hard you try, it's only ok when you do for them...but don't ask for what you need in return, because then there's a problem...or an excuse...and you loose yourself...and it's your fault...and it's you who takes it the wrong way...but when they hurt you and you still try, and you do anything within your power to make it work...then it's ok...just make sure you don't ever expect anything in return.

Psychologist friend talks about how STEP-PARENTS should NOT discipline their skids...funny how she changed her mind!

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So I have a friend who is super sweet...tonight we talked about guys and I told her to NEVER EVER get involved with a guy with kids. She seemed puzzled. I began to explain to her WHY. She then said she had a friend who had a child and was married to a guy with 2 PITA kids.

OT-the O'Neils? Hmmm anyone watching?

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Just wondering as it sounds typical spoiled daughter thinks she should have daddy to should be interesting to see what happens w/the counseling sessions...I'll be watching...maybe we should discuss here...seems dad is 100% sure kid stopped talking to him because of his deceased wife and adult daughter is looking for sympathy now that smom is gone...but so far she's making herself look bad by only focusing on what "daddy" needs to chg & how she is the victim, although she chose to stop talking to him ONLY because he married Farah...hmmm
