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Psychologist friend talks about how STEP-PARENTS should NOT discipline their skids...funny how she changed her mind!

herewegoagain's picture

So I have a friend who is super sweet...tonight we talked about guys and I told her to NEVER EVER get involved with a guy with kids. She seemed puzzled. I began to explain to her WHY. She then said she had a friend who had a child and was married to a guy with 2 PITA kids. She then tells me that her friend reprimanded one of the kids and SHE, as the psychologist OF COURSE told her "you have ONE kid and it is X, the other two are NOT your kids...their FATHER should be doing the disciplining" I almost DIED of laughter...then I told her..."what would YOU do if my son went to your home and spilled a drink on the couch you had just bought? What would you do if my child went to your house and stole something from YOU? What would you do if my child went to your house, you said hi and he gave you a dirty look and just continued to stay in YOUR house playing with things YOU had bought? " Of course, her answer was "I would tell him that he couldn't do X or Y or Z...and that if he couldn't behave, he could not longer come over...Then I said "guess what I would say to you..." something like "that's NOT your child, that is MY not discipline MY child...even if he is in YOUR home"... The look on her face was PRICELESS. I also then said, "you know how you tell me to not let my kid play too much with X because he is a PITA and sadly kids sometimes pick up on bad stuff from other kids? Imagine if that kid lived in MY home and you told me that because he wasn't MY kid I could not discipline him but I had to continue to allow him to play with my son and influence MY son..."

I told her "every psychologist I have ever met claims that the kids come first, that blood is thicker than water...yet, do you EVER remember your dad putting your WANTS, ie. I want to go to X restaurant, I want to go NOW, blah, blah...before YOUR mother's wants? Of course she said "NO, of course mom came first" to which I responded...that's funny, because YOU are a blood relative to your dad, but your mom is NOT...and yes, it seems that once people are divorced the new spouse is JUST THE SPOUSE and the because kid and dad are blood related, wife no longer comes first...imagine how long YOUR mother would have lasted if your dad took YOU where YOU wanted to go every single time without caring what SHE wanted.

Needless to say, my great psychologist friend had no answers. So much for the BS they taught her at school.


godess-clueless's picture

herewegoagain, I am saving this post. It is the perfect response to anything to do with step children, and step grandkids. Even covers the excuse some of these husbands have for spending the holidays with the ex and grown children on holidays. I know there are a few of us older ones that deal with the grown steps who enjoy finding ways to spend time with dad and making sure it includes mom. Even as adults the kids get away with this because of the excuse they are blood. The new wife in the designated role of JUST THE SPOUSE either tries to save face by bowing out of these gatherings gracefully with the excuse of having other plans or ends up sitting thru the family gathering listening to the same 4 or 5 stories that are always repeated of fond family memories from 30 years ago which include mom and dad as if they were all together as the family. They have no problem finding time to do things separate with mom [she is single and lives in the same apartment building as them} but she never fails to show up at their place when dad does visit. Some how the idea that the wife comes first goes out the window when your not the first wife. Somehow the idea that the standards, rules, and expectations of the next wife take back seat to the demands and wants of the first family.

frustratedstepdad's picture

Battle Hymn of the Step Republic...LOL! Any psychologist who believes that the step-parent should not have a role in discipline has NEVER had a skid.

secondplace's picture

Well said Herewegoagain. I am bookmarking this as well.

You hit the nail on the head for sure.

dragonfly5's picture

It's funny how our perspective changes....Walking in shoes we never expected too, makes us see things in a totally different light.
Sounds like when applying the rules to herself your friend, received a new perspective. Priceless!

Auteur's picture

Excellent examples!!! This should be sent to Dear Abby, Dr. Phil, Dr. Laura and all the other "know it alls" out there!!

MJL2010's picture

Love it- this was just the thing to "pick me up" today. Thank you! I agree that it should be published somewhere. I so want society- made up, ironically, of more and more people like us!!!- to feel the presence of stepparents, experience a little of what we go through, and have an iota of freaking respect for all we do!!!

FrickenFrackenBleep's picture

I just printed this one out!!!! Thank you for putting this into words that normal people can understand!

herewegoagain's picture

Sorry for the delayed response... Wink I am so glad many of you enjoyed it and glad if it can help any of you deal with the issues. Believe me I have lots of problems with my DH, however, I do have to say that I have used ALL of this with my husband at some point or another. Of course he was very hesitant at first, but he really could not argue with it. Sadly, because his kid is a disaster, he is aware that she is not welcome in OUR home to influence OUR son, anymore than if we had a daughter together who smoked pot and we allowed her to smoke pot in our home because "she was OUR daughter". My DH has over the years very much understood that although I have NEVER told him he could not see his daughter, in fact, many times I told him to call her, etc...that it was up to him to ensure that she respected our home and not mistreat me or our understand that ANYONE who comes into MY house, ie. OUR house will have rules, wether they are a friend or a relative...

PS - FrickenFrackenBleep too funny what you said..."normal people can understand"...I used to write functional requirements/architectural designs for a living and although I always HATED writing, and always felt it wasn't very good, I was always told at work "these are the ONLY requirements I EVER understand..." Wink