halo1998's Blog
Nothing sounds as good as a DH that teaches his kids respect
Ah the sweet sound of my DH educating SD on how NOT to leave the kitchen after you cook something.
I have alway maintained with the kids..I don't care what you cook just follow some basic rules.
1. Ask before you use ingrediants that in short supply. I may need them for a meal so as please ask if there is only 1 pepper left, etc. Items that I have a crap ton of...go for it.
2. Clean up after you are done.
3. Don't burn the house down. Don't leave the stove or the oven unattended.
Simple rules right...
all Aboard the Beaver Pity Train..
Wow..Beaver is certainly riding the pity train these days.
Another school day off and another drama.
Friday is good Friday..and thus SD has no school. DH trying to lessen the amount of time that SD misses from school scheduled her dentist appointment for Friday morning. SD is with Beaver this week, after being with use for 3 weeks and comes back to our house at 8 a.m. on Friday morning. The dentist appointment is set for 8:00 a.m.
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SD..on my last NERVE....even DH is ready for her to leave
Due to spring break, etc...SD has been with us for 3 weeks.
I cannot tell you how ready I am for her to LEAVE. DH even said..is it sad that I will be ready for her to leave tomorrow.
Between the job requirements, the endless talk of eye lashes (Sweet Baby Jehsus enough with the eye lashes), the endless teenage drama, the ever present jammie pants (put on some freaking regular pants on once in a while) ..I'm spent.
So..SD basically you are going to work no where
SD is turning 16 in a month......We are now in the home stretch.
SD has decided she wants to get a job for the summer. Ok cool..we told her that we would help get her to and from if she does.
Except....she has some specific requirements..
1. She will not work with food.
2. She will not work anywhere her friends might see her
3. She doesn't want to work with kids
4. She won't work anywhere that smells like old people.
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Well..well....well...GWR aka SS may be going to community college
Seem GWR has applied to the local community college. Interesting since the last we heard GWR though college as a waste of time and only idiots go to college. What he is going for, unknown. I do know, however, based on his lack of performance in high school he will need to take remedial courses as first just to get the level of a college course. So that shall prove to be interesting......since it will take longer and cost more.
Spring Break ploy for sympathy and the birthday of "he who shall not be named" aka GWR
Ah..spring is in the air..or it was till my lovely state reentered the artic zone. Seriously, I enjoyed the 70F degree weather only turn around a few days later to.....26F degrees. WT....pick a damn season mother nature. I'm tired of the cold..so could we just move on to spring now.
What do you think..will this email get GWR aka SS a job
My magic eight ball says..outlook not so good.
OH SD....your entitlement is astounding
SD is 60 days from turning 16. She isn't a youngin anymore and can certainly understand more adult things. AH....apparently not.
DH works in IT...he usually works for small startup companies. Now, there are risks with startups...but there are also great rewards. We know this and plan accordingly. In the last 2 weeks DH went from winning award at work to being laid off along with the other 30 percent of the company. Its a startup and their sales were down and they didn't get another round of funding. So....yep...30% layed off in one day.
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Snowstorm and pick up ...Beaver style..Updated....DH made it home
Ah..for those of here in the midwest...we were treated to 36 hours of, rain, then freezing rain, sleet, then full snow. Yep we tried to fit all 4 seasons into 48 hours here..its fun.
So yesterday and this morning it has been really crappy outside and most places were closed..including schools. Que up the round of cheers from school children far and wide, including SD.
Hello there Beaver I think Uncle Sam will be calling for his payment soon
Ah tax time is here. For those non-us folks here in the USA it is now income tax time for us.