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SD..on my last NERVE....even DH is ready for her to leave

halo1998's picture

Due to spring break, etc...SD has been with us for 3 weeks.  

I cannot tell you how ready I am for her to LEAVE.  DH even it sad that I will be ready for her to leave tomorrow.  

Between the job requirements, the endless talk of eye lashes (Sweet Baby Jehsus enough with the eye lashes), the endless teenage drama, the ever present jammie pants (put on some freaking regular pants on once in a while) ..I'm spent.

Sigh....I just have trouble listening and dealing with her...she is so....mmm....superficial.  She wants to get a new dress for her birthday party in a month.....DH asked if I would take her...(he said he would if I didn't want to)....but I'm really just dreading it.  The endless bodycon dresses we are going to have to suffer through...(trust me a bodycon dress does not look good on just doesn't)...not to mention SD is a weird size so finding anything is chore.  And...she is having a bowling not sure how a dress is going to work with that but ok...

I am just so ready for her to go...please go back to Beaver's where you can discuss eye lashes, eye brow dying, face masks or whatever else to your hearts content.    I cannot grey rock anymore..I'm out of mmhmmms...that's interesting....oh how nice...


Cover1W's picture

I had to look up "body-con." It just means tight fitting.  Like it shows everything. There's no bowling in THAT.

halo1998's picture

I believe it called it...the hooker meets mummy dress....  and thus DD promptly told it was BODYCON.

SD loves loves loves the bodycon..she is 5 foot 2 at best and is "curvy"....she straight up looks like the michelan man.

Rags's picture

I had a class mate in engineering school who was hell bent on testing the stretch limit of spandex shorts.  Every class I had with her I was expecting an explosive spandex failure.

ESMOD's picture

I recall when my YSD was maybe 12 or 13... and OSD was 16 or 17.. we were on vacation and gave them some money to go shopping at the mall.. maybe 100 each.  enough to buy a thing or two.. maybe more if they were thrifty.

Well..they come out with some bags.... and when we get home I see that YSD had bought some shoes... they were these "horse hoof high heels."  Think stripper shoes.. with exageraged stilletos and platforms.

I had a fit about them and we went right back to return them.  I asked her why on earth she thought those were appropriate for JUNIOR HIGH???? and she said her older sister told her she should get them.

I then swiveled over to OSD and told her that SHE should be old enough to know better that hooker heels were not acceptable for a preteen.  (I got her typical mute look.. no real answer)..

I was livid.. we gave them a chance to get themselves some nice things to wear for school and they completely blew the money on something that was in no way shape or form appropriate.. and they both had to know better.. especially the older girl... who was ring leading her younger sister.  I have a feeling that if we checked the shoes actually fit the older girl better.. but back they went!

If she is 15/16.. I would set a budget.. and let her buy something.. just give her 150 dollars (or whatever amount is reasonable) and tell her.. that's "it".. and she is responsible for ensuring it is appropriate for a 15 year old to go bowling in.


halo1998's picture

I knew exactly what you were talking about...and thought..oh you mean "on the corner shoes".

I like a good high heel but not those...yesh...SD loves those as well but she can't walk in them and no way in hades will DH buy those for her.  Although Beaver had SD in heels when she at the ripe old age of 7.....those came to our house and mysteriously disappeared.

Just recently SD tried to go a birthday dinner for her grandfather in skin tight jeans..and a camesol top..(that Beaver bought her)..that got an immediate NO from me...and when she looked at me sideways I told he to go see her Dad...if he said ok then ok...(no way was DH going to say ok)...he took one look and told her....GO PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON..ITS A BIRTHDAY PARTY NOT BACHELOR PARTY. with her is a constant redirection of no ...doesn't cover enough and no you don't work the corner..try again.

ESMOD's picture

At her age though.. I would tell just give her the money.. but the warning would be.  "if you pick something that we deem to be innapropriate?  It will be confiscated and returned.. and no replacement purchase will be allowed.. so you better make sure your FIRST pick is appropriate to go bowling and sufficiently modest for your age... again.. we will have the final veto.. so choose wisely"

Kaylee's picture

Talking about inappropriate outfits....ex SD wore a skintight see through white dress to her nephew's 1st birthday party, which was a low key affair at home...just afternoon tea with a few of their friends and their toddlers.

Everyone else was casually dressed, jeans and t-shirts, but not her, oh no!

The dress, through which everyone could clearly see her G strings and butt, full make up, hair extensions, heels...

It was painful to see really. Just totally inappropriate..

advice.only2's picture

Just tell her that bodycon dresses went out of fashion as quickly as the Kardashians did.  So did the furry over the top fake lashes.  Tell her the new trend for spring is bold colors and relaxed silhouettes.  Remind her she doesn’t want to look gauche at the bowling alley especially since everybody who is anybody will be there with their phones out recording.

halo1998's picture

:)  I find it funny she wears jammie pants and a ratty t-shirt, slides with socks and then has fake lashes and full pancake makeup.  

Rags's picture

On the right figure, they are spectacular.  When the body dimensions are off, they are tragic at best and down right nasty at worst.

There is a reason why I do not wear a Speedo to the beach.  For the same reason some people have no business even saying the word bodycon much less wearing it.

My young bride was hell bent on wearing the most trendy stuff during the early years of your marriage.  I finally got her to shop for stunning classics. She went from wow to incredibly amazing.  Even now as she is approaching her late 40s (Shhhhhhh!) she is told regularly that she is statuesque and graceful by the other ladies in her firm.  She is 5'10 so she can fluctuate on he weight and dimensions and still maintain her relative proportions. Unlike her DH who gets a gut when "he" loses the plot.

TrueNorth77's picture

I would die. Godspeed.