I'm back from the UK.....the good and the bad
I'm back after spending 14 days in Scotland and England. We dropped off my second oldest for grad school at St. Andrews Scotland
10 days in London...
I loved the UK...I must say
Your public transit is AMAZING....
I loved all the sites and the food...you all know what a proper portion size is..for the first time in forever I didn't have to take over 1/2 of my meal home.
Scotland...specifically ST. Andrews...BEAUTIFULL...loved all of it. I cannot wait to go back there.
All in all it was my bucket trip....and I was so excited for kid 2 to experience life in the UK.
The bad..
Ooff..we all got colds. Kid 1 came down first....and then the rest of us followed. Most of us were able to push through..DH not so much.
DH decided to start mounjaro 2 weeks before we left....its in the same family as ozempic. I told him I thought it was a bad idea since he had no idea what the side effects would be. Yep..they were intense and he was a pita as a result. He tried to power through etc but he lacks the ability to see he still affects us all. In the end he admitted he should have listened, etc.
Now that was an experience...driving on the other side of the road and your lanes are somewhat of a suggestion. The 10 hour drive from central London to St. Andrews Scotland was interesting. All was good till the last 10 miles in Scotland....holy small road people...yikes I white knuckled those last 10 miles.
All in all it was a good trip...all three kids had a good time and I really enjoyed it.
- halo1998's blog
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As a UK person, I'm delighted
As a UK person, I'm delighted you liked our country! My first husband was from the West Highlands of Scotland, I was working there when I met him, and the rural roads up there are mainly single track with "passing places" lol. I agree with you on portion sizes - I mainly have several starters instead of a main course these days, when I eat out.
That stuff gave me stomach pain.
It's gives you pain if you eat to much. The pain is so bad you stop eating.
Glad you have a great trip
Glad you have a great trip
Sorry about the colds
Bet you are already thinking about when to go back
I NEED to experience Scotland by train....need need need LOL
Britain/the UK is amazing. I
Britain/the UK is amazing. I have been blessed to see much of the country over my lifetime. FIrst in vacations when we were overseas, then on business trips during my own career. I still need to take my bride to the UK and Ireland.
As for Mounjaro, I am on it now titrating up each month to the max dose. I'm about half way there. It can be a challenge. Particularly the intermittent nausea. I have yet to get sick but I will have periods in the first few days after dosing where I feel like the kiss of death is upon me. Fortunatley, it is intermittent and I can take a seat for about 10mins then I am fine.
I was on Ozempic before Mounjaro. Not much differenece. Your DH is fortunate that he was not on Byetta. The first iteration of the class of meds. I not so fondly referred to it as Lizard Spit. That class of drugs is derived from a compound found in Gila Monster saliva. It was taken daily instead of weekly. Inject and 15mins later the nausea was so insane that it knocked your knees out from under you. It was the worst nausea immaginable and you can't throw up. I tried. Nope, You just suffered for about 15mins then, it went away but the weakness from the nausea would last an hour or two. I always took it about an hour before bed so I could sleep through most of the recovery period.
Now for the great stuff. Congratulations on your #2 and St. Andrews. That is amazing.
Enjoy your visits and make them frequent.
I would.
Any jet lag?
When I went to Europe as a 12 year old with my over the top strict paternal grandmother I had jet lag mostly coming back not so bad flying out there. It was awful.
And yeah the roads are super narrow especially the more North you travel.
That ozempic stuff scares me. I was just diagnosed with a hiatal hernia which I suspected I had for some time probably due to pregnancies. I hear that that stuff can freeze your stomach permanently or cause nerve damage. I think I'll remain pleasingly plump. And yes about the portion size I always take half of anything I order home for the next day.
The Ozempic class of drugs
The Ozempic class of drugs slows the digestive track which reduces hunger and maximizes nutrient absorbtion and increases insulin effectiveness. I do have a notable increase in acid with these drugs.
For me it is one of several blood glucose management tools that help me maintain normaized BG levels with zero internal insulin production. My insulin is all pharmaceutical insulin either injected or infused via an insulin pump.
I have none of the frightening side effects from these meds. In fact, as a miracle of modern pharmaceutical science having taken countless meds in my life, I have had only one med where I had the very rare severe side effects. That one was scary but fortunatley it was removed from the market fairly quickly and the side effect symptoms were transient. I fully recovered from those. That was an allergy med and not a diabetes med.