furkidsforme's Blog
Place your Bet- Did DH confront OSD????
So, last night we had an "issue" at the house. It was multi-faceted, but I will skip to the important part.
Minor back story so this all makes sense- Here's the cast of characters
MSD: MSD is 23 and smokes marijuana for medicinal reasons and has not had a seizure in 2 years since using. DH and I don't whole-heartedly approve, but we can see the incredible benefit to her, so we have taken a "don't ask don't tell" policy with her about it. She lives with us, so we ask her to not do it in the house and keep it on the down low.
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Can't get DH to inlcude me in planning parties for the SKids that I HAVE TO HOST!!!!!
Second try posting, will post the full blog in comments BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH
Dreamed I beat and raped the BM. Yes, Really.
Yup. I finally dreamed it. I knew sooner or later I would.
In my defense, in the dream BM was trying to murder me. She had some crazy room set up like in the movie SAW where these blades would come put and the end result was basically you would get chopped into four pieces regardless of what you did to escape. A dead girl was already on the floor, neatly quartered.
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Sigh.... so frustrated. Anyone else's DH do this?
Do any of your DH's mentally regress?
Last night I went shopping. I came home with some decor things for the house. I also got DH some body wash they had on sale that smelled really nice. I give it to him. Here's the conversation:
Me: Hey, while I was shopping I saw this body wash for men. It smells awesome, so I got it for you. Give it a sniff and see if you like it. If you don't, I'll take it back.
DH: You can do that? You can take it back after it's used?
Me: No, of course not.
DH: Then how can I sniff it?
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DH sets up the perfect storm... and tells SS I will hire him for the summer. W.T.F.?
So DH apparently has lost his mind.
My ss16 is notoriously lazy, has to be pushed to do ANYTHING, and then even when he does do it, he does it with minimal effort. SS keeps getting cut from work, so SS told DH he was looking for another job. DH tells him that I will hire him to mow and weed whack on the farm for the summer. True, I am looking to hire some high school kid to work for me all summer, but SS is not the kind of kid I would hire.
Apparently it is impossible to communicate. About anything. But only with me.
Sigh..... DH.
Tonight DH is taking SS16 to be dropped off for a school trip out of town. (which he shouldn't even been going on because he's been rude and snotty to everyone for over a week, but we wouldn't want him to miss out on ANYTHING, now would we?) I ask DH what he wants to do about dinner. He says he has to leave at 7. I ask him again, what he wants to do about dinner, and he calls from SS's room that he will come talk with me in a minute.
He doesn't.
DH acts like that sad guy that every office has who tries too hard to be liked
Does anyone elses DH do this?
Often around the skids, specifically Prince (SS16) DH just acts like such a douche. He tries SO HARD to be likeable and funny and to try desperately to get SS to engage with him. He gets all cheesy and tries to make puns and when he laughs its very phoney and the only way I can describe it is "HAYUCK YUCK YUCK". It's really fake and overdone.
Lets create situations that breed animosity, then accuse you of HATING MY KIDS!!!!
Because that seems to be the name of my DH's favorite game!
My ss16 is a little bit of a picky eater. Not terrible, but he has some strong preferences. He likes to eat the same thing every day. Every now and again his "taste" will suddenly change to a new obsession and then he hates the old food. Whatever.
Pandering to BM and SS, or simply being "nice"?
I have long since been tired of the dynamic that DH does all the leg work for BM. She lives about 40 minutes away, and he drops off and picks up nearly 90+% of the time. For a few years, it was 100% of the time. Sometimes now BM will bring SS back, but only because he has to go to work. A few times she's "had headaches" or the infamous "car trouble" and needed SS picked up with a moments notice to make it to work on time. Him doing all the leg work has been going on for YEARS.
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Just a bitter, nasty, grumpy day, and I need to vent.
I'm frustrated, and I know this shit is petty, but it is just boiling inside me today.