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FTMandSM's Blog

WOW BM!! Number 5!!

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SMH (shake my head)..BM is now on BF number 5 in the past two years. I guess not that bad, but she has introduced SD3 to all of them. Even moved in with one and got pregnant again. She just had her baby around Easter and started seeing this new guy. SD came over this past weekend and said (insert name here) is Mommy's new BF. LOL! I just can't believe she has introduced all these guys to SD. At least she is young enough where she doesn't remember them all. There will be a time when she will though. Maybe this one will stick around, but who knows.

CS Question, NYS

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I'm sure this has been asked before, but my SO and I have been talking about marriage. Thanks to advice from here we are working on our finances and some other things before we even get engaged.

Anyway, in NYS, is the step parents income included in the calculation of CS? I am the main bread winner and I would hate for my income to be included in CS. I have tried to google and haven't found that it is, but you just never know.

SD3 is starting preschool!!

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Smile While I am very excited for SD to start preschool, I am anticipating the call from BM to SO demanding more money! I can just here it now:

BM: I need more money for her school clothes and supplies
SO: Let me know what she needs and I'll go get it.
BM: Why can't you just give me the money?
SO: Cause I don't trust you.
BM: Eff YOU!!! Click

*Ring*Ring*-Oh look it's BM calling...

I can only do so much**More of a "I need to get this out"**

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SD3 came over Friday morning around 10 (I was at work). She will sometimes do this thing where she lists off who she likes, for example she likes the dog, she likes the cat, she likes mommy, etc. I guess this time she didn't say FTMandSM. And of course SO just had to ask, "Don't you like FTMandSM?" She says, "No, cause she doesn't like my mommy." He tells her that everybody likes everybody..blah blah blah. Personally I really don't care. 1 reason being she is 3!! She will like me one second and the next she doesn't. It's a three year old!! Anyway, to the point.

Sick Kids...follow CO?

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SD3 is sick, not just a cold sick but she is vomiting. IMO, I don't think she should come over for visitation. For the simple reason that I know when I feel that shitty, I don't want to be in car and I just want to stay where I am. We live 45 min. away. I think she should stay at her mom's until she feels better. Let's say she starts to feel better Saturday morning, come over then. I just odn't think it's the right thing to do to drag her out in rainy cold weather when she is sick.

What do you guys do when your Skid/BioKid is sick, follow the CO?

Totally Disgusted

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So I have been reading quit a few blogs lately on how awful the "evil" SM gets treated and I am royally disgusted by this!!! I can NOT believe that these Asshats that call themselves fathers/husbands let this happen to someone they LOVE!! I am just in shock at some of the stories posted on here. I feel sorry for ALL of you "evil" SM's that feel they have to leave because their DH REFUSES to PARENT THEIR child/children.

Begining of PAS or not??

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I'm not sure if this is the begining of PAS or not. I am hoping I can get some insight and advice!

SD is three years old. She comes to our house every weekend. For about a month or more she has been saying things like "Mommy doesn't like FTMandSM" and "FTMandSM is mean to mommy." Here is a conversation I had with her this past weekend:

Not sure if I handled this right or not

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So this weekend was terrible for me. Yes pity party was thrown. I have been really sick with the flu and I still didn't feel good this weekend. SD3 came over, meaning I have to take care of bioson (2months old) by myself because SO gets blinders on when she is there. Normally I don't mind having to take care of him by myself, he is my son. But I could have used some help as I was still recovering from being sick.
