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FTMandSM's Blog

What could this turn into...

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I just got a call from FDH. He got a call from BM. She is trying to go full time at work. It could be any day of the week, but it would have to be dayshift. As of now, BM has SD Monday to Friday until 4 and then FDH has her Friday at 4 to Sunday at 4. So BM told FDH that she was going to try to get money from the county for babysitting and then give the money to him..Ummmmmm...OOOkkkk....Then she would have to drop off SD the night before so SD wouldn't have to get up and out the door by 5:15am. This means:

OT-Future In Law Thanksgiving Debacle (Yes already)-Vent

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FDH wanted to get where we were going to do Thanksgiving this year. He either wanted it at our house or his sisters. To pre-face, his sister has two kids that will not be attending because they will be at their dads house. We have two kids (SD3 and BS, who will be one). The reason for not wanting it at his parents house is that they have recently moved into a smaller house, they have three large dogs, and no room for 6 adults and 2 kids. Also, they have nothing for the kids to do. So I had thought that we decided on his sisters house.

BM's Old Self is back

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FDH got a text from BM saying that why is she sending clothes if he is just going to put SD in the dirty ones she came in.

Ok you dumb bitch, they were clean because I washed them and threw them in SD bag. And second of all don't just assume that FDH would put SD in dirty clothes. I know you think he is a POS, but he isn't. And its fucking petty bullshit. Don't you have better things to do.

Are Pigs Flying, Did Baby Jesus Give Us a Miracle...

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Rewind to Sunday...FDH took SD to his Grandma's house which is in the same neighborhood as BM's grandma. BM asked FDH to drop SD off to her grandma at the normal drop off time, 4pm. It's actually closer so he said no problem with dropping SD off there and wouldn't have to see BM. While at his grandma's house, there was mention from his grandma that BM's grandma wanted SD earlier. So what does she do, called up BM's grandma and asked her if she wanted SD earlier. FDH really had no problem with this as he was already there. This was around noon.

WTH is going on..Need Advice

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So myself and FDH haven't been around too many toddlers. I have been around more than him but I really need some "parenting" guidance. Well we both do. SO we get SD3 every weekend. She came over yesterday for an overnight so her mom could go to a concert. This was not a big deal. I have to work and he is already home with our bio. But we really need some help on how to deal with SD's behaviour. She is your typical toddler drama queen. She is one of those girls that cry and whine over everything. I mean everything.

BM Nightmare..

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Last night I had a BM nightmare. It was horrible.

She came into my house without knocking so I told her that she needed to be respectful of my home and not do that. Then out of nowhere her whole clan came in!! I wwas terrified. Oh and my mom was with them!! :jawdrop: Then for some add reason, we all had a party. LOL! I have no idea what that was about...too weird. Makes me want to lock my doors....

3rd week in a row BM is MIA for Drop Off...RANT

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Sunday was the third Sunday in a row that BM wasn't there for the drop off. Who knows where she was, and frankly, I don't really care. It just sucks because she doesn't see SD a lot because she has a job(which is great) but she doesn't work on Sundays. All weekend SD was crying because she misses her mom. It's really sad that BM can't even make it on Sunday to be at the exchange. FDH has been dropping off to her mom or grandma.

My SO became my FDH!

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We went on vacation this past weekend and he purposed to me on the beach. I was extremely shocked, but I said yes. Now I have to work on getting that attorney to look into CS! LOL! Can't wait for SD to spill the beans to BM. It's been very oalm lately (she has had her other BD to fight with), so I hope this doesn't stir shit up.
