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Totally Disgusted

FTMandSM's picture

So I have been reading quit a few blogs lately on how awful the "evil" SM gets treated and I am royally disgusted by this!!! I can NOT believe that these Asshats that call themselves fathers/husbands let this happen to someone they LOVE!! I am just in shock at some of the stories posted on here. I feel sorry for ALL of you "evil" SM's that feel they have to leave because their DH REFUSES to PARENT THEIR child/children. All I keep reading is how you have tried to be nice, tried to be the loving wife, tried to disengage, tried to express how you feel, just to have it thrown all back in your face. This is so dissapointing to see. ((((Hugs)))) to anyone going through this and you don't deserve to be treated like crap.


Totalybogus's picture


askYOURdad's picture

Couldn't agree more.

I will say though, when I was younger I found myself trapped in a relationship and it took me awhile to see how bad it really was. In hindsight, I wish I would have left sooner. Even though leaving was scary and hard it was the right thing to do. I would tell anyone if they are on the fence, picture your life 5 years from now if nothing changes vs. if you leave and MAKE changes.

Willow2010's picture

I am disgusted with these men too. But to be honest, I am also a little disappointed by some of these women who continually LET themselves be mistreated by skids and DH's. It seems that this board is full of a lot of women with low to NO self esteem.

My hope is for them all to learn some self worth and get on with their lives and away from the abuse they do not deserve.

No more exit plans that last for more than a month or so. No more taking crap from kids or husbands. Just no more.

misSTEP's picture

Maybe only women with low self esteems would allow themselves into such a messed up situation.

I know mine wasn't all that great when I first was married.

FTMandSM's picture

Please do Fearless!! You have a way with words that I can't compete with! I love reading your "rants"!