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Fading's Blog

The Fun of Catching BM & Friends in Lies :-)

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BM called DH yesterday....The sperm bank said that one of her friends told her that I waited on her (the friend) at work and when the friend asked me who the little girl in the picture was, I told the friend Atilla was MY DAUGHTER. LMFAO. First of all I don't have a picture of Atilla ANYWHERE at work. Second, I would never claim that child to be mine, it would be like personally applying for the Bad Momma label. BM doesn't believe me. I let her know (DH had it on speakerphone) that I would NEVER EVER call Atilla MY DAUGHTER.


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I don't even know where to f*cking start right now. I am so PISSED OFF I could just...urggghhh! I DON'T EVEN KNOW! I am in tears right now, can't sleep. I'm bawling so hard I feel like my eyes are going to fall out...

Sorry But I'm The Mrs. Now

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So I found out the other day that BM is still using DH's last name. This I would not care about normally but she has REMARRIED. BM got married last July and still hasn't changed her last name. Are you really still that attached to DH? I let DH know that if I had known this before I changed my last name, I would not have done it until she changed hers. Anyone else have this problem? Feel the same way?

OT: Winner of the Ultimate Throwdown

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So I decided to wear just some jeans and a black tee. I get to the bowling alley with Atilla and SIL is there in....drumroll please....dirty sweatpants and a used-to-be-white Donald Duck & Mickey oversized tshirt. I'm pretty sure if I hadn't peed before I got there, I would've done it with pride right in front of everyone. My other SIL walks in behind me and is setting down the gifts she brought, glanced at Evil SIL and whispers "Now we know why the lunchlady was more appealing." I had to pardon myself to the bathroom to laugh.

OT: The Ultimate Throwdown

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I am supposed to pick up Atilla at 1:45 and take her to her cousins bday party today (I tried to get out of it). This is for the evil SIL's kids. This woman calls me this morning to have me remind DH where it is and I told her I will be picking up Atilla and I would be there at about 2:00. The silence over the phone signaled SIL's atomic bomb that went off in her head and rendered her speech-incapable. Then she says "Well make sure you were something nice, not those sweatpants you walk around in."


Fading's picture

I have been with DH for 3 years. In those 3 years I have gotten 2 gifts from him: a Marilyn Monroe crystal and my engagement ring. Now I am not ungrateful for these things and the things he has done for me, but every holiday and birthday I get him a gift. This Valentine's Day I bought him a ring with our initials on the inside and 'Love Cherish Honor Forever" on the outside. I spent over 100 bucks for it. Wednesday night I get home and he says he has something to show me and brings out a small jewelry box. Naturally I got excited.
