Fading's Blog
I Am A Stepchild
So just a few moments ago, after my last post, DH texts me and says BM called him and told him SD wanted to talk to him, apparently she hates me. Well I told him I don't really care. That just means I don't have to put any more money or effort into helping or caring for her. He can do it. He says that "I don't know how hard it is for her and having a stepfamily". Omg. Disculpeme, que? Seriously did he just say that? GOOD MORNING DH GUESS WHAT YOUR WIFE IS A STEPCHILD!!!! My stepdad has been in my life since I was 3, so 19 years. I don't know how hard it is. Pffft.
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Pardon Me While I Go Insane ....
I'm thinking SD4's good behavior last Thursday was just to throw me off because yesterday was like the 7th layer of Hell. This child has NO respect. Now I know she's 4 and that there are things she is too young to understand yet and she's still learning etc...But holy Harry Potter, this child was acting like she has never been taught a darn thing! First of all DH was up late the night before so he had fallen asleep on the couch and that was when all hell broke loose. I went into the bathroom and when I came out, SD4 came darting out of OUR bedroom and into her room. What was she doing?
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Why Why Why
We had SD4 yesterday and she was her natural annoying self, but now she has started to do the 'why' thing. She hasn't done this before and I know it is natural for many kids to get to this stage but does it HAVE to be so darn annoying?!? She was watching Barbie Mermaidia and kept asking why to EVERYTHING from why is barbie blonde to why doesn't Bibble talk like Barbie does. Then she wanted DH to read her a book on firsts (plane ride, day of school, siblings etc) and yet again she asked WHY TO EVERYTHING.
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It's My Blog Hog Day...Bear With Me
Sorry to be writing so many entries within minutes of each other. I don't mean to take away from anyone elses blogs! But I just read another post about having kids with the SO. I never was a 'kid' person and never wanted any children. Until I married DH. Now I think I want a child of my own. Our own. But theres something stopping me. SD. I'm afraid that if DH and I have a baby, DH will still dote on SD and push aside the baby. I am afraid we won't have the money to care for both children adequately. I'm afraid SD will harm the baby.
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OT: WARNING Might Be Some Overshare
I just need to vent something and it has NOTHING to do with stepparenting (ok it might just a weeeeee lil bit). I had a birth control implant put in about a year ago and since have had no libido, none what-so-ever. Not only that but I have also been getting horrible bouts of depression, which can be a combo of the implant, disappointing DH when I'm not 'in the mood', and dealing with SD. I went to the gyno yesterday for my yearly and to ask some questions about the Implanon. She told me that my depression can be made worse by the implant but the lack of libido is not caused by it.
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This is going to be completely random but I have noticed in all 3 of my other blogs so far I have put / in the title. Wth is wrong with me? If I continue to do so, someone please beat me over the head with frozen salami. Can someone say obsessive compulsive....
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I'm sure this has been asked before but here I go anyway.
DH buys SD gifts/presents in excess of $20.00 almost once a week. The child has more toys than Toys R' Us. Then HIDES the receipts/boxes/tags from me. We have had a discussion about this NUMEROUS times. I tell him gifts are only for holidays and birthdays and maybe small treats for when she is REALLY good (which is hardly ever).
Do any of your SO's play this game with you? Whats the most extravagant gift your SO bought SK(s) just because?
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So I have found some more time to fill in some of the blanks I left in my first post about SD & DH.
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New Blogger/Past Lurker
Hello all! I have been lurking around ST for what seems like an eternity now. I created a login quite a while ago but never used it, couldn't tell you why. I have an SD4 stb 5 who literally drives me insane (literally I'm on the brink of a psychological meltdown!). I am 22, newly married (Oct 17 09) and have been with DH for the last 2 years. We met in college 3 years ago and shortly after his split from BM began to 'hang out' as friends, which obviously developed into more. BM is tame for the most part, although severely mental.
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