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CourtDate update from yours truly, Clove

CLove's picture

Three updates for the price of one, actually. 

1. I am going to change my name from Clove to I_HatetheToxicTrollBM

2. The graphic in my profile photo is an artwork done by my stepdaughter, known to many as "Munchkin". I will be selling t-shirts with this design, and half of proceeds go to fund the new child support order that will be effectively sucking our household dry for oh, about 5 years and 9 months.

3. So it is with a heavy heart and spinning mind that I write this report:


Court Date tomorrow, feeling very low

CLove's picture

So, I am feeling it today, that slow dread of COUNTDOWN TO COURTDATE. Its been a few weeks, my short term temp assignment has ended (luckily), and in between job searches, I am brooding. And re-reading the awful paperwork that DH was served with. I now notice that she has taken a two-pronged approach: filing for child support and modification of spousal support. 

Counting down to Courtdate battles

CLove's picture

Our court date for a modification of child support is August 30th. Toxic BM is going for $$$ and she claims "there is no bad blood, she wants everything the same (lies lies lies) she just needs more money from DH". She is treating this request as more of a spousal support thing, and since the spousal support ends in 2 years, and is only $300, she is going for more through the child support system - $500 for 6 years. Nice huh? DH has rejected the idea of hiring a lawyer, even for guidance and limite scope help. He wants to "give it to God".

Married with children and ex wife

CLove's picture

We did it! SO is now DH. STBSkids are now real life step children.

We eloped and it was very sweet and special and exactly what I wanted. A pretty dress that looks like a water color painting, on a little stage in the forest in front of my parents and a few friends. Quick, easy, peaceful and inexpensive. Loving.


Skids talking and sharing about BM

CLove's picture

Well, a few weeks ago, I get a series of horrible texts from BM accusing me of child abuse simply because I made it known to skids multiple times that I dont really want to hear stories about their mother. So, I feel like I have to make SD12 feel "comfortable" and keep the peace, so I tell her its ok if she wants to share positive stories of her mother.

Munchkin SD12 having frequent meltdowns - its been a long summer

CLove's picture

So, if you are familiar with my situation, I have 2 skids, one who has moved out and one who is 12 and in full-on preteen mode. Currently I am unemployed, so it falls on me to do daily childcare as the Toxic High Conflict BM has chosen to work summer school (she works with autistic children and has a choice). She doesnt fill anyne in about her schedule, simply drops Munchkin off at around 6 ish, after a text to him. She stays with me all day, and then either stays or goes, depending on the scedule - we have 5 days on and 5 days off.

The Hurricane is now calmer....update to Blown away, again

CLove's picture

This morning, after a sleepless night spent chewing on things, SO and I do our morning wake up routine - coffee in bed. Munchkin has awoken after being dropped off, and walks by, sais good morning and comes in our bedroom and .... sees the looks on our faces. Stops and hesitates. SO decided to approach her using the direct route, with me there. He first asked her what happened last night with her mother. She sais "nothing", he asks her what she said to her mother, she sais "nothing".  Swears to it, very earnestly. Scrunches her face the way she does.
