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CLove's Blog

Blowing up balloons

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So, I did something that everyone told me "nooooooo dont dooooooo iiiiiiiitttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I did Feral Forger SD21's tax return. Friends, I know. Please Aniki bonk me over the head or something.

She was very appreciative, but not apprecative enough to want to pay me or get me something nice. Noooooooooopppppppeeeee.

But Im starting at the end of things.


Toxic Troll says "you can claim Munchkin this year..." and then...

CLove's picture

She texted "I want half of child tax credit and I know its $3,000"

Then...wait for it ..."thank you and cLove for helping Munchkin with her school, Ive just been SO busy with my ISSUES and with Feral Forger, I havent had much time"...

Yeah. Your not welcome.

Petty I know - change in visitation schedule

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Ugh, yes I know this is very petty, but it gets to the heart of something that creates conflict in our steplives - not being involved in decisions that affect us or even dont affect us in any discernable way.

I commented in a facebook group in response to a post someone made about things that bother us about BM making changes to the schedule at whim. It made me look at something I dont really like thinking about. Why does it bother me so much that Munchkin SD14 wants to change the schedule from Monday-Monday to Wed-Wed?

Inauguration Day and "Blended Family VP"

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Not here to discuss politics. Just watched a video of Inauguration, and saw some things posted as regards Kamala Harris and her "happy blended family".

Im a bit jaded, tired, sad and angry today. Burned out feeling. Probably my own fault because I overextend myself, and regularly traipse through the mucky muck online wrt BM Toxic Troll. Plus I did pickup Monday and got sobbing kiddo, then silent dinner treatment last night.

- Am I the only one that was thinking "Kamala to my knowledge has no bios, therefore shes stepmom in a step family, there is no "blending" going on.


Violin-Gate & "I has a sadz"

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Well, I really hate pickups and drop offs for visitation.

Drop offs arent too bad, but lately each pickup involves drama of some kind and crying Munchkin all the way home.


I get home but need to gas up my car before work the next day. I offer to pick up Munchkin SD14 since Im out and about anyway and DH who works as a mechanic is dead tired. Sounds easy, right? DH tells Munchkin Im on my way. Toxic Troll had told DH that Munchkin had been sick and thrown up previously. Munchkin insists shes ok, its just her period (Whaaaaat?)

Toxic Troll Trolling me Toxically on Facebook

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This will be short.

My good friend (Ill call her Rabbit) has created a public facebook group and its centered mostly around music and events, but with the lockdown being what it is she mainly now posts about people's daily lives, to create a sense of community and togetherness. So for example Ill post a photo of my family together or a meal, and she will share it to this Group.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Report

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Just a quick blurb. Christmas eve was the worst ever.

Because of Feral Forger. And DH wanting to enable her, for crumbs of her affection.

She went shopping somewhere Christmas Eve, and because she still doesnt drive, with no license, she calls DH during a zoom call with HIS family. He looked like he was ready to go get her, and I told him, "tell her no, youve had a few shots...and she cant just snap and you go running."

The Slap Heard 'Round the City

CLove's picture

As Jupiter and Saturn have converged, apparently Toxic Troll BM is going for her Mother of the Year award for 2020.

Last night, DH recieved a text from the Troll detailing yet another fight with Feral Forger. On and on about a chore liste given 5 days ago still not done, and then...drumroll...

How FF called TT a D!ck.

And TT, like the true Troll she is "looked her in the eye and slapped her". And then FF apologised for calling her mother a dk.

And her text (sort of priceless) to DH: "baby steps to her learning to respect".
