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Advice please (Little Darling chronicles)

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Since last Tuesdays blowup, things have been calm (walking on eggshells) and LD SD14 has been her "sweet" self and talking to me (superficially, but no shunning which is good). I took the advice and took myself out to the beach and out to live music and friends. Safely. Dh and LD went fishing. Bonded.

And yesterday she went to her mothers so I relaxed well once she was gone.

Healing after the battle

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Thank you for everyones spport. It is truly a huge help in this battle for souls.

I lost the battle. Little Darling SD14 won. She won complete unfettered access to her phone and her friend. She won complete freedome at school. She won. But she lost me. She lost my time, resources, attention and intention for her ultimate good. She lost me, for the foreseeable future, as well she lost all days languishing at home with me while DH is out fishing.


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If you are tired of my posts, no worries, move along.

Im angry. Angrier than angry. While the previous 2 days I was heartbroken, distressed, sad, and grieving, today I am madder than mad.

Toxic Troll Spawn

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Thanks everyone for your kind words, and advice.

well, last night after going home, I read SD14's (formerly known as munchkin) texts and Toxic Trolls texts to DH. Basically the same chit that I was texted.

- I called her a liar (I said she misrepresented things to me. Her teacher was in mourning from the death of her mother, but thats not why SD14's work wasnt being graded right away - the work was delinquent and deliquent work is lowest priority)

Escalating into full on battle mode

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Well, thanks folks. The advice given was very gentle and very to the point (but too late because I already did my damage apparently).

Munchkin Sd14 is going to keep her phone, and going to stay with Toxic Troll and Toxic Troll is filing for full custody.

And DH is losing his daughter because of me.

Apparently I underestimated the Genetic Legacy.

Just got a full on long text from munchkin.

- Basically shes accusing me of calling her a liar. I said she misrepresented a few things to me and lets move on and solve the issue.

Genetic Legacy

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I got to use this one today.

I just got so mad!Have you ever been so very mad that you were ready to just slash and burn everything (in a rhetorical sense)?

Yes, I know that I created the situation, but I really and truly thought that Munchkin SD14 was DIFFERENT from her sister SD22 Feral Forger and BM Toxic Troll.

Taking a Break part deux

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Yep, so this morning, because DH claims that he doesnt have the ability to manage Munchkins schooling and that I over think, I sent him screen captures of her Gradebook from Parent Portal with a summary (failing orchestra, doing poorly in English, but everything else is good) then the screen caps of details, missing work etc in all classes.

Taking a break

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Well, I did it and boy a I GLAD.

I hit my breaking point with everything and everyone.

Toxic Troll's lies and manipulations, her enmeshment with Munchkin SD14.

Feral Forgers lies and manipulations and enmeshment with Toxic Troll.

Munchkin SD14 who aligns herself with TT against Feral Forger, enmeshed beyond enmeshed.

I feel like I put so much energy, intention and attention to build Munchkin up and help her become strong and independent and she turns around and gives it all directly to TT. 

Your choosing cLove over your own daughter

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Daddy doesnt loooooovvvveeee meeeeeee.


I know this wasnt meant for me, it was meant to hurt DH, which it didnt, but I just have had enough of these shenanigans. Enough already!

Toxic Troll (Humpty Troll) was harassing DH about "her" refund money, and then poked and prodded with the following:
