BSgoinon's Blog
BM's Stepmom called me
Sooooo… BM's Stepmom called me today to tell me how dinner with BM and SS went last night.
She said LITERALLY exactly what SS said “it was awkward and we won’t be doing that again any time soon”. She said that when they picked BM up, she and her dad immediately got in a fight and he told her to get out of the car. She said they ALMOST left her there. But didn’t.
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BM's Parents.. They BOTH drive me insane
So, of course BM's mom DIDN'T see SS this past Wednesday like she wanted to. Tuesday night she had some excuse (that she has already used in the past) as to why she can't see him "but can I see him Thursday or Saturday?". No, you can't we will try again next Wednesday. I hadn't told SS that she wanted to see him, so nor harm done there.
She is just flaky. And I can't STAND people like that.
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Need Help composing a text response to BM's mom
So, BM's mom has kept in touch with me since BM went MIA in SS's life. We let her see SS when she wants to but it's gotten to the point that I need to put my foot down with her. She always wants to see him on Wednesdays, because she has "bible study" up the street from our house. She has picked him up maybe 3 times in the last year on a Wednesday and taken him up the street to McDonalds for an ice cream, always has him home within an hour or so. Which is about as much time as SS cares to spend with her. She can be a little overwhelming, ever for me.
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Well this should be entertaining...
BM posted on her FB this morning that she is "Queen of the Courtroom"... I assume she is going to attempt to take us to court... again.
Then she sends DH and email asking him if she can see SS on her birthday (March 9), DH responded, you know the drill... if your dad wants to accommodate, we are fine with it.
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Oh... and then there was BM last night **INSERT EYE ROLL**
Dh's phone rang, didn't recognize the number but he is in sales so he usually answers all of his calls unless he KNOWS it's her.
It was BM.
BM -Ummmmm. DH? It's BM. I really need to talk to you but not right now because I am at work, so can I call you maybe tomorrow
DH - Ok
BM - Yeah ok, so yeah, tomorrow evening like around 6. Because I am at work right now, so I can't really talk but I do need to talk to you. So I'll call you tomorrow at 6. OK?
DH- Ok
Hangs up. Well, guess I won't be answering my phone tomorrow.
Update to BULLY-TOWN
So, when I got home from work yesterday DD was in her room asleep... cuddling with a stuffed dog I got her for Valentines Day. I just LOVE this child.
I woke her and climbed in her bed with her. I just kind of let the conversation flow naturally. Since she was sleeping at 430 in the afternoon, it was a good seaway in to asking what is going on with her.
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OT** BULLYING**I just need to get this out before I go to my DD's school and cause a scene
My EXH just informed me that my DD13 (who has been battling depression recently) told him Sunday that a boy at school told her to kill herself.
I am UNGLUED right now. She is such a sweet girl, and I couldn't understand what has been going on with her lately. Her self esteem is at an all time low. She sleeps all of the time, she is moody and sad.
My heart is breaking. I will be going to the school to talk to the administrators, but I want to talk to DD first.
I am a total wreck right now. I need to calm down before I go in to her school.
Oh Sweet Silence!
I don't want to jinx anything, but I (me personally) have not spoken to BM since JUNE!!! It's been SOOOO nice! She hasn't text DH since December. And her contact with SS is slim to none. Mostly because he just ignores her. But it has been FANTASTIC!!
Be jealous. But for reals, I have earned the break LOL!
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**Insert Eye Roll**
BM has been fairly quiet with SS. She will text him occasionally. He will sometimes reply. Most of the time he won't. Last week he was responding to her, and then she again made a comment about Meth Man and he stopped replying. Since then, she texts daily, just saying HI or that she loves him. He responds about once every 10 texts from her.
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So... SS saw BM a few days before Christmas.
I was up in my room last week minding my own business, and there is a little knock on my door. I open it to see SS standing there looking a little off kilter. I asked him if he was ok and he asked if I could talk. So we sat on the bed and he starts to tell me that he feels bad not seeing his mom for Christmas. I told him if he wanted to see her it was perfectly fine, but we need to talk to her dad (Gpa D we will call him) to see if he can help arrange that. He didn't cry but he was obviously hesitant and not 100% sure of his decision.
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