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BSgoinon's Blog

"Oh, she wants to be a MOM today?"...

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So.... SS hasn't responded to BM's texts since Thanksgiving day, and prior to that, it had been quite a while. He did tell her Happy Thanksgiving, and that was all. Until this past Saturday.

BM text him 3 times throughout the day, they just said "hi" and "I love you". SS had a baseball tournament so he didn't have his phone on him. But when he got in the car after his last game (he rode home with a team mate because we had DH's office party) he responded. This is how the conversation went (keep in mind he is 13, and an exceptionally well behaved child):

Oh BM...

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She is now texting SS about Christmas "I have Christmas presents for you, I want to see you soon". 5 days in a row now. Yesterday he replied "maybe". That was the end of that conversation.

He tells me "there is nothing she can buy me that will make things better. Not even if she had all the money in the world".



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So, for those of you that live in states that have mediation, you will understand....

So the ONLY change that was made in the mediation paperwork was that BM had to complete rehab before EITHER PARTY can request mediation again. (not to mention the judge would have to sign off on any custody anyway).

For those that don't have mediation in their county, it is intended to be a way to get the parents to agree without going to court. So.... BM won't sign it. She wants to take it back to court to have the judge ORDER that SS HAS to have some kind of visitation with her.

Mediation is in an hour...

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I can't wait to just get this over with. I'm not even nervous or dreading the actual mediation. I just don't want to see her. It's been almost 6 months since I have had to lay eyes on her nasty face.

Speaking of her nasty face... I wonder what is going on with her because she normally posts a MILLION selfies. Like up close shots. She hasn't posted any in a couple of months. She must have lost more teeth.

BM Breaks her Silence...

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BM requested "mediation". I can't believe they actually granted her request since the judge has made it clear that nothing will change until she completes rehab, and SS is old enough to decide for himself what kind of relationship he wants with her. But we did receive notice of mediation, so we will go... waste of time, but we don't want to give any reason for a judge to think we aren't making every effort to do the right thing. Should be interesting. SS's thoughts on it... "what does she think she is going to get out of this?".

Halloween MOTY

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SS and 2 of his friends dressed up as The Three Amigos today for school. (score one for me on the group halloween costume!! LOL)

Anyway, one of the other moms (and my good friend) posted a picture of the threesome on FB. I don't FB, but she tagged the other mom, and NOT BM. Well they follow each other on FB. So she stole the picture and posted it on Instagram. My guess is because neither of those moms follow her Insta and they won't know that she stole it.

SS Opened up last night about BM

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I had no idea how much he had "put things together" in his mind. We were at my daughters softball practice when he overheard some parents talking about how a town nearby ours is flooded with meth labs. We got in the car, and he started the conversation with "do you think that is how my mom started doing meth, remember she dated that guy that lived out in *meth town*". He asked if she was still in rehab, I told him I don't know for sure, but I honestly don't think so. Then he got MAD, and the flood gates opened.
