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Biomomof2's Blog

Well BF is a big enough idiot to put it in an email!!!!!!

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I received an email from BF this morning that states as long as I insist on taking him to court (over his lack of boundaries with the kids. They do not need to be his emotional sounding boards. He is not their friend)and making him pay child support, (he is $6,800 in arrears AFTer I got his $1300 state return and $3384 federal return in May) he will not be civil with me. I am apparently not a "good friend" and I'm not being fair. He thinks I should look out for his interests. Not the kids.
Well, at least I have it in writing.

And it happened

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So last night I dyed YSD hair. On a whim I broke my own rule a dyed the tips of DDs hair. As everything in this house, DH had to make it about SGD. He said (in front of DD) that I'm doing this after I gave him shit about wanting to buy both girls dye and after giving him shit for buying SGD temp colors for her hair. I should have stayed quite but I responded with, DD is 12 in 4months. Big difference then you trying to buy hair dye for 2 8 yrs olds. And to this day SGD can't brush her own hair, are you really comparing DD to SGD?? He looked at DD (who he does really love) and said No.

My parenting rant

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Why do these parents NOT understand children are selfish parasites by nature? You have to train them to care, and follow rules!!! They will by their very nature get away with whatever they are allowed to. They will by nature be lazy. We have to train them to not be.

Blog hog... DH did it again

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SD calls DH. She is going to the ER. Can he pick up SGD. Of course, we are not a we then. He says yes. He is thinking of picking up DD then SGD. I shut that down, I picked DD up, then he left to get SGD. 15 mins later he is home, with SGD. SDs best friend who DH hates is living with them. SGD made the comment he could watch her if daddy (she is 11 and this is her SF!!!) isn't home. DH said no, he can't. Brought her here. Called SSILto make sure he was home first before taking SGD home.

DH is waiting for SD to fail and I think it is wrong!!!!

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Yesterday DH says to me, I have a very bad feeling. SD is not answering her phone and neither is her husband. They went out last night. I should look in the police blotter.
SD is bi-polar. She is a problem drinker. But rather then be supportive he sits there waiting for her to fuck up. He only cares because she has SGD back. Doesn't care about the other 3 kids or even what SD goes through.

Court on Monday

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Mediation yesterday. One thing that stuck out, mediator said to BF if you truly feel the kids are as unhappy and unsafe with BM(me) why is it that you have never filed a motion for anything? All you have ever done is ride the coat tails of BMs filing fee.
It stuck me as funny that even court personal are noticing this.

My BM and BF. Yes my own mom and dad

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Ok. So story of my life, mom life anusive dad when I was 2. Bro was 5. Ran away in the middle of the night. That is my moms story.
My brother is scarred for life, BF left for milk and never came home. That is my brothers story.
I was 2. I don't remember
My own childhood BM told me BF wasn't paying CS. She had no idea where he was. He had tried to abort me. He didn't want me, tied her to the bed and used a metal hanger to try to get rid of me. I was told this story at 5 yrs old.

Words from BS9

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"Mom, unlike with you I know how to get anything I want from dad"
"Mom, I love you even though unlike dad you make me clean my room and read"
"Mom, all I have to do is tell dad you don't let me do something, even if you do, and he lets me"
"Mom, dad likes to tell me all the time well those are the rules at moms house not here, even when I know it's something I shouldn't do, how do I tell my dad no?"
" Mom, dad has a problem with me playing xbox here, even though all we do at dads is watch TV"

Jealous??? Insecure??? Lack of trust?? What is it.....

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I wish someone could help me identify my feelings.
FauxSD is some I do care about. I will not have her in my life right now due to past behavior and her crazy bi-polar issues. But I do care about her, even really get along with her. She has her kids call me Grandma. The crazy is just crazy
Her DD FauxSGD. I do not like, don't want her around my kids, my pets, my house, me or DH. She is a spoiled entitled, manipulater, bully, lier, has no problem threating to get her way, and if along with me has no problem hitting me or threatening to call the cops and lie.
