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Court on Monday

Biomomof2's picture

Mediation yesterday. One thing that stuck out, mediator said to BF if you truly feel the kids are as unhappy and unsafe with BM(me) why is it that you have never filed a motion for anything? All you have ever done is ride the coat tails of BMs filing fee.
It stuck me as funny that even court personal are noticing this.


Biomomof2's picture

He is a crazy BM just with the wrong parts. I have been trying for supervised visits but really really want an attorney assigned to the kids. Attorney can speak directly to their counselor and schools.
BF actually tried to sit in mediation and talk about how he just wants to get along. I told the mediator he is a great liar. I paid cash for a refill for BS RX on Tuesday because kids have no active insurance. Asked BF for proof that everything was active, he told me your proof is I said so!!!! I told mediator I have 4 years of emails that show he has no interest in getting along, just getting his way. She told him after she looked at some emails that his behavior in real life doesn't match what he says.
He also got so twisted up in another story of his and was caught in a lie.
He needs psych help. The children need to be protected from him. At least need limited contact.
I know everyone has their own feelings on this, but at the suggestion of her therapist and the attorney last time. I'm asking that DD not have to go unless she wants to. She is picked on at BFs a lot. No over nights for her.
And I amnot asking to review CS. Keep it as it is. I don't care about that, I care about the kids. He can continue to not pay like he has them 18% of the time. That's fine. I just want them safe and happy