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Well BF is a big enough idiot to put it in an email!!!!!!

Biomomof2's picture

I received an email from BF this morning that states as long as I insist on taking him to court (over his lack of boundaries with the kids. They do not need to be his emotional sounding boards. He is not their friend)and making him pay child support, (he is $6,800 in arrears AFTer I got his $1300 state return and $3384 federal return in May) he will not be civil with me. I am apparently not a "good friend" and I'm not being fair. He thinks I should look out for his interests. Not the kids.
Well, at least I have it in writing.
Word for word " I will not be nice or civil since you insist on taking me to court over my back child support and my treatment of my children. It is none of your business what happens in my house. I tried to be nice when I asked you to change the drop off time of my kids and you needed another time ( he wanted to move his pick up time from him picking them up at after school to me dropping them off at 5pm. His version of being nice, is me telling him I would agree but it had to be 6pm instead of 5pm... A favor for him) but this is how you repay me. I tried to be your friend but you are not a good friend and are holding grudges against me. After you cheated and lied during our marriage. (Funny how that gets switched he cheated and I left him) So I'm done. I will no longer be friendly to you.
Wow. Just wow.


StepKat's picture

Noticed he used the phrasing "MY kids" and “MY children” not “The kids” or “Our kids”

Biomomof2's picture

Always has. Even in court. It takes about 15 mins in court and he cracks the illusion. Then the court sees him very clearly!!!

Biomomof2's picture

It is amazing that he thinks getting along is attacking my DH, my self, going off on our kids. Thinking needing me to change his pick up time and me needing another time is giving me my way. Fact is, I couldn't do his time. So if he didn't agree then he would have had to figure out how to get out of work to pick them up. Some that is doing me a favor.

Jsmom's picture

If he cheated, I would call him out on that. Otherwise, the rest, I would disregard and take it to court....

Biomomof2's picture

Awesome response!!! But trust me this will start a war. I just document and report the violation of the restraining order as the only contact allowed is email about the children. His issues involving our dead marriage is not child based. This makes 7 in 2 months. I wish this RO was worth the paper it was written on but now that he has officially been force retired out of the military, they can't protect him anymore. Cop I reported it to looked up all the violations and is getting ahold of the DA. This might go somewhere!!!!!