My BM and BF. Yes my own mom and dad
Ok. So story of my life, mom life anusive dad when I was 2. Bro was 5. Ran away in the middle of the night. That is my moms story.
My brother is scarred for life, BF left for milk and never came home. That is my brothers story.
I was 2. I don't remember
My own childhood BM told me BF wasn't paying CS. She had no idea where he was. He had tried to abort me. He didn't want me, tied her to the bed and used a metal hanger to try to get rid of me. I was told this story at 5 yrs old.
At 16, I was in a therapeutic school pay for by California victims of violent crimes. I was raped at 13, and had to testify in open court with him right there. Court was more trama then the actual act.
In my school there was a boy being raised by grandma. Grandma was an assistant DA.
She ran a DMV check on my dad. The first time I called I was babysitting. I called the phone number and asked for my dad. I told the lady who answered who I was. She was my dads best friend. She gave me a number in Texas. Said dad was there for his brothers funeral. She begged me to call him right away. Said it would make everything better.
After all the stories, my bro meet up with dad and lived with him for 5 months. Dad and I were working on a phone relationship. And then he came to see me. Met me at my school with my counselor. We talked forever. That night, after everything, my mom had him spend the night... With her. She did stuff like this, everything because about her. Victims of violent crimes had to tell her more then I can count, nothing happened to her, it happened to me. Be there for me, stop making it about her.
So dad never left. 4 months later mom moved me and her to Texas with dad. Mom and dad split up 2 months after. I stayed with dad. I was 1600 miles from anyone I knew, living with my dad I barely knew and cousins I knew for 2 months. I didn't see my mom for 6 months.
Mom and dad get back together. Dad and I start fighting. My anger is finally coming out. Where was he my whole life?!?! He just apologized and apologized. Never really said much. Said there were no answers. Dad and I built a relationship on respect and trust. Then mom signed away all past child support. Bro and I were blown away?!?!?!! What?!?! Really?!?!?
I move out. Well gone for a weekend, my roommates pawned all my stuff, for pot. Called dad and he came packed me up and I moved back in.
I left for Alaska 6 months later.
When DD was 6 months old I called dad and told him all about exDHs threats and verbal, emotional abuse. Dad called me back 30 mins later with 50,000 if I was leaving. I was stupid and stayed. Dad had done some things in his past, and his connects are not the cleanest people. But still he called in a favor and had my back.
I had all say over medical. He was diagnosed with skin cancer. Then cleared. Then he caught TB. He had fallen and was back to drugs and drinking. Doc told me and him couldn't treat the TB with the conditions of his body, so drugs or TB would kill him.
He died 6 months later of a drug induced heart attack. I feel like I lost the only parent I ever really had
While cleaning his house out, I found the CS receipts. I found the letters with envelopes back and forth between parents. I found the court paperwork. Dad had tried many times to see us. Mom is a lier. Lied when I threw the paperwork in her face. Bro refuses to accept. Said if he does, he has already lost the chance with dad and mom is all we have. Whatever not good enough for me. My whole childhood was a big fat lie. And dad covered for mom. No wonder she signed away backchildsupport it was a bribe. He was a commercial fisherman. Paid what he could, when he could.
So my parent is dead. And my brother is drowning his denial in alcohol. He sees mom. Use to guilt me to involving her in holidays. I don't see or talk to her.
- Biomomof2's blog
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this is really, really sad.
this is really, really sad. Please take your time to absorb things; trust me, in time you will be able to cope. If you need to cry, do it; if you need to stay away from BM and BB, do it. Don't guilt yourself. And whenever you need to vent, I'm here.
Dad died 6 years ago. I have
Dad died 6 years ago. I have asorbed as much as I can. I don't hate my BM, but I don't love her. She is just the person who raised me. I have gone as far as I can go. I need accountability, I need the truth. Without that no chance I can have a relationship with BM. A couple of years after dad died she tried to kill herself. She called my bro and had her counselor tell him she blames me. I'm at fault for her emotional state. I need to let go. The sucicidal attempt wasn't real. She slit her wrists all wrong (she worked in a hospital knows how to do it right) then unlocked her bedroom door and called out for her roommate. She showed her roommate what she did and locked the door. Roomate called 911. She had a medic there within 10 minutes of BM doing this. And I am not to blame, she is.
I understand why my brother has made his choices. I don't agree with them. I either include mom on holidays or don't see brother. Haven't seen him for a holiday in 2 years.
Dad is gone. Nothing will ever change that. But I have seen who really cared. Bro never really did. He felt BF owed him. Mom tried to play widow, dad was engaged and they had been divorced from their common law marriage for 10 yrs. she hadn't spoken to dad in 8yrs. But yep, all about her. She even used this time period to try to play bro and I against each other. Bro was staying with her in Texas so she drove him to help clean out dads place. She butted in, started removing paperwork, hiding it in her trunk and told bro to not tell me. He told me, we made her get it out. I had to threaten to call the cops before she would open her trunk.
Personally, if this were my
Personally, if this were my parents I probably would have no contact with BM after it.
However you want to move forward is ok. You do not have to stay in contact with your mother because she is your mother, you are an adult, she is an adult, if she cannot recognise that the lies she told you as a child were/are hurtful then there is not alot you can do. If she does see then perhaps the two of you need to have a talk but it seems to me that she is, like you say, always playing the victim.
Yes our parents raise us (most of the time) but that doesnt indebt us to them. Yes it affords them some understanding, life is hard, people do what they feel is best in the situation, we have to accept that mistakes can, will and were made. They made mistakes, we make mistakes, our children will make mistakes. But its how we deal with it that makes all the difference.
You have had to grieve for your father, and then find out that your childhood was all lies. Its a hard pill to swallow, you then mourn for all that could have/should have been and you find that the respect you once had has been replaced with disgust. It was not necessary for your mother to lie, if she can accept that then the two of you have a shot of making some relationship. If she cant and its something you cannot get past then cut her out of your life. You are not a child, you can choose who you keep in your life.
I was evil towards my mother for most of my life, but very close to my dad. Funny thing is now, this last two years Im much closer to my mother than my dad. But my mother and I have been able to have multiple conversations about the past because Im old enough now to understand things that she felt I couldnt understand and shouldnt have to know when I was younger. There are still things that she wont disclose because she feels they are not relevant but she has answered all questions I had.
The lies were not required.
The lies were not required. The continued lies when I showed her the proof was not required. To find out this is the paperwork I had to threaten the cops to get out of her trunk?!?!? Tells me she knew damn well.
I have told her what I need to move forward. She can't or won't do it. So, no relationship.
I was grieving for my dad, my friend and then to have my whole life blow up in my face? It was very hard. Bros response felt like a betrayal, but I've come to peace with it. He is doing what he needs to, just like I am.
I had to go to counseling to come to terms with the fact that I don't have to love her. It doesn't make me horrible. It just is. Love is never a given. No matter who you are, love can die. The bond children have with their parents can shatter if the damage is enough.
My bro is my friend. So is his wife. I know he does what he can live with. He feels that she is out mom, and therefore blankety deserves certain things. I do not feel anything is a free-be. No free passes in life.
I'm so sorry you went through
I'm so sorry you went through this. It is amazing how evil some people can be just so they can look like saints.
If there was a like button
If there was a like button here Id press it for you Biomom
Thank you all. Kind words
Thank you all. Kind words mean more then you know.
This all caused doubt in how I handled Bf. I know what it is like to grow up without dad I don't want that for my kids. I had to learn that the kids need a healthy relationship with BF. Not just having him there. I had to learn to stand up for them. My own crap was in the way. Now, I don't fight for my kids to just have BF in their lives. I fight for them, for him, to build a healthy relationship. I just don't think BF knows what healthy is. You have to be healthy to make healthy relationships. He is far from healthy. But from my biodad I learned that you can have a horrible past and keep it from your kids. You can be healthy to your kids and keep the crazy to yourself.