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attempting_to_maintain_composure's Blog

The magazine subscription I got SD a year ago

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Had an interesting, albeit brief, conversation with SD yesterday.

As a bit of background, I've got a problem with subscription boxes, lol. I get three beauty/skin/hair boxes each month and I just recently signed up for a Lootcrate which is chock full of geek/gamer goodies. SD is usually mildly curious about the beauty boxes, but was very curious about the Lootcrate. Ever since it arrived on Friday, she's been asking me all sorts of questions about it.

SD has a problem

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Well, FDH was able to back up his words with actions. He and I talked on the ride home from work yesterday over our concerns with SD's behavior this week. I said that I was most disappointed by the shadiness of her behavior and he expressed a concern over her behavior being addiction-like in nature. And he was totally right. Some might scoff, but, internet addiction is a real thing and SD was exhibiting traits towards that.

OT - Follow-up to Half-Sister post

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So. I did it. I bit the bullet. I messaged my half-sister. I took the leap yesterday and sent her a message that I would have liked to receive and it wound up being a very long winded message. But, I told her a little about myself, told her that I would completely understand if she didn't want to talk to me and that this would be my only message to her if she didn't so as not to put any pressure on her.

And then, I let it slip to the back of my mind so I wouldn't be hyperfocused on facebook all day.

Hair dye all over the apartment!

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OK, maybe all over is a bit dramatic, but, if it's in more than one room, it's a bit much for me. FDH and I are both totally fine with SD dying her hair blue. He and I have had some funky colors in our hair over the years - I had purple streaks in mine shortly after I met SD and I currently have red ombre that needs touched up.

The mini-wife came out to play last night

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Tuesdays are long days in our house. FDH and I both go to work during the day, and then, we are out of the house until sometime between 7:00 and 7:30 because I have counseling at 5:30PM (he goes with because sometimes my counselor pulls him into my session with me - the hope is to get him to better understand anxiety in general and my anxiety specifically). SD knows this. This has been the case every Tuesday since November. And it is always written on the calendar in the living room of our house.

FDH is trying, but still leaves some things to be desired.

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Before SD got here, FDH and I had it out about her tendency to act like a mini-adult/wife, still, and how he encourages it without realizing it. Namely, the way she tries to dictate how he parents her by telling him not to talk to GUBM when he doesn't even WANT to talk to GUBM but HAS to talk to GUBM about SD's school. She has a high-conflict mom, I get it, but she needs to just suck it up a little bit and understand that FDH is doing her a greater disservice if he DOESN'T try to communicate certain things to GUBM, because then he's sticking her in the middle just like GUBM does.

We're not ready for this...

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FDH is on the road now, on his way to get SD for her next visit and neither of us are ready. We had a pretty crappy February - we didn't connect like we had hoped we would and we got in a lot of arguments about the relationship. It all boiled down to he wasn't doing the work because he was feeling frustrated, I was taking on the work for both of us, and resentment was growing between both of us.

That wasn't the point, GUBM >:( *some strong language*

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So, FDH finally got in touch with SD and GUBM this morning. SD told him that GUBM isn't sure her coming here for longer than a month is a good idea since she "might want to move soon" and will need SD around - not because she's worried about SD's stuff getting packed, but because she's worried about having SD available as manual labor to pack all of her crap. Which, if this comes to fruition, will be the fifth time that kid has moved in four years.
