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Cellphone Envy - Update

Freedom2005's picture

Well, he caved...

Under pressure from SD12 telling her woes to everyone who would listen, SO got her a new phone like my daughter's.

I just don't know what to say....


Still Have Hope's picture

Wow ~ I am going thru a similar problem. DD's birthday is in a couple of weeks. I was going to get her a cellphone. Last night DH tells me that SD no longer has cell service due to BM not paying bill. Now I don't even want to get DD a phone because I know SD will want one and we will be on the hook to pay for it forever. Just another example of the skids ruining plans I have made.
I am thinking about getting my mother to get DD a pay as you go phone to avoid the "You bought DD a phone, you have to get me one too." whine.

DaizyDuke's picture

Go get your daughter swimming lessons and teach her to dive and swim like a dang navy seal and then let her jump off a bridge. See if SD12 will follow!

Good grief.. I hate this crap

hismineandours's picture

Yes this totally sux. That we have to not buy OUR children what we think they need or what we want to get them because then our dh's will think their spawn deserve the equal thing.

My two oldest kids, 13 and 11 both have cells. SS12 does not-however, so far I've avoided the not fair trap because we did get ss a cheap prepaid cell when he was only 9 (my kids got theres at 10)right before dh deployed. We went the prepaid route since he was so young (and tends to be very irresponsible (which dh is able to admit))We bought the phone so he could call me and the kids. He never did-nor did he respond to our many calls. However since I had access to the phone records I could see that he was allowing his bm to use it pretty much daily. Then he lost it a few months later so it's never been replaced.

Dh and I have talked about it since, but I told him I was uncomfortable putting ss on our plan since we would not know who was using the phone up there and I was doubtful that anybody up there would be concerned about goinf over our minutes. Dh actually agreed and told bm that he would help purchase ss a nice cell phone but that he wanted her to be responsible for the monthly bill because of the reasons above. Her response was "Just get unlimited minutes then you wont have to worry about who uses the phone up here". WOW. Not willing to just say "Oh, i promise we wont use it unless there's some sort of emergency" just told him we need to upgrade our plan to unlimited minutes.

So thankfully dh has not mentioned it again.