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Update...Nope, definitely not crazy, must be 14......

Mrs. December's picture

So, to update you guys on my evening....I picked up SD12 from her school practice with the understanding she was not going to her youth game. Immediately her phone dings, she asks about SS9 baseball game, time it started, when he had to be there, she waited a minute, texts on her phone, asks another question about what DH and I are doing, waits a minute and texts, a couple more questions, pause, text. I could bet you $100 she was filling in mommy dearest. Then 2 seconds after we get home (which is only about 5 minutes from the school) she lies and says "the youth coach is texting me right now and really wants me to go to the game, can I ride up with so-and-so" Well, I know the youth coach is definitely not texting her because she is also the coach of my DD13 and they were in the middle of practice.....Anyhow, I say to SD12, why couldn't your mom bring you? Why couldn't she have picked you up at practice and brought you, wouldn't that cause a lot less grief? She wasn't impressed with me and said, "I don't know, she just said she couldn't" I had to leave and get my DD13 from practice, so left as SD12 is texting away on her phone. Once I got to the field to pick up my DD13, I text SD12 and asked if she was leaving and coming back with her friend and she text back to say yes.

Then, as you guessed it mommy dearest was right there at SS9 baseball game. So, just to be up DH and my ass she threw SD12 under the bus instead of being a decent parent and bringing her and "supporting" her, which she acuses DH of never supporting SD12 and being at her games (not true, but whatever). So, yep 14 years old. Her BS is just really, really old after 8 years and to see it's more important to play games than be there for her daughter is ridiculous.

Thought you might like the update!!