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It's Friday and my house is a mess

duct_tape's picture

I have no motivation whatsoever. I just keep thinking, someone needs to do something. Yah, I know this is off the "subject". I need to plan a damn party or something, a little pressure would do me some good. Somebody explain to me how to get a fire under my ass. Suggestions?

Unfreakingreal's picture

Turn on some music, pour a glass of wine and just get to it. I find that when I'm unmotivated I spray the tub & toilets with cleaning stuff so later I am FORCED to clean it.

duct_tape's picture

Wine! I forgot about alcohol. I still have to answer my business phones while I'm at work (home office). But, you know with the help of a little drink, sales may perk up!

skylarksms's picture

When I am completely unmotivated to do something I need to, I usually put on some music. Once you get started, it is not as bad.

Ommy's picture

this did it for me. I went through my closet. I had 3 yard bags stuffed of clothes (the big black ones) I havent warn in a year. then I tackled my bathroom and got rid of so much lotion and face washes I used a few times and didnt like. I just went from spot to spot....there was a lot of build up.

duct_tape's picture

Ugh! Why did you have to say that!? That's how I feel right now. The actually cleaning with chemical part I sort of enjoy. It's all the damn stuff! Kids move out and leave their crap. Time for a trip to the dump.

Ommy's picture

tackle one small area at a time. dont look at the entire place. Start with a closet, then the bathroom sink, the kitchen junk drawer...ect.

duct_tape's picture

I think I need to call a cleaning lady. But even if I do, I have to sort through all this crap before she gets here. I think that the wine idea is the best so far. You guys are better women than me.
I need some girlfriends who enjoy housecleaning...together...and theirs is always done already!

imjustthemaid's picture

Stress makes me clean the house! Whenever I am stressed out or annoyed at DH or SD I start cleaning without even realizing what the heck I am doing!

I always clean my house spotless on Fridays because the kids are home all weekend and we cannot start the weekend with a mess because I cannot deal with it being any worse. Usually Mondays I am staring at a disaster, scratching my head, not knowing where to start!!

Whenever I get too overwhelmed I get out the huge trash bags and toss it all out! I am about to go tackle DD10's room. She is a hoarder!!

imjustthemaid's picture

I will come over, I love throwing things away!! The other day I threw out 5 trash bags of shit, I mean toys from the downstairs closet!! The kids don't even miss it!

Sometimes when the house is really messy and I don't know where to start I will actually vacuum first so it looks a little better. Then I tackle countertops and everything else. I usually end up having to vacuum again but somehow if it looks cleaner I am move motivated to actually clean. It sounds crazy but its been working for me!

duct_tape's picture

I like to clean. Unless I know someone's just gonna mess it up again. Then I become angry cleaning mom. Even the dogs leave the area. My SS is probably coming home. He can't just stay in a guest room in the house, he needs to occupy both. And then, his laptop HAS to stay plugged into the living room wall. Why? Because. So, I usually get pissed and move it. Or secretly point it out to my one year old. She love pa-put-ers!
Then my daughter, who's a vet, comes home with more dogs. Last week, "Um, I have a sick baby goat I'm watching..." NO! Goat puke! No!

Then my son comes home with his kid (love) AND his cat (don't) who gets chased by the dogs or goats or whatever. Hair flying everywhere. I need to just call everyone to stay away. This is why I'm not motivated.

imjustthemaid's picture

Oh I get it completely! I am ALWAYS the angry cleaning mom. Everyone runs when they see me get the sponge!! I get pissed and start threatening to throw everything away if it is in my sight!! I lose motivation alot especially because I know it will only stay clean for hours maybe even minutes. By the time DH is home its not clean anymore!! You would never know I cleaned at all!!
There are plenty of days I am not motivated because I waste my day cleaning for them to mess it up. I should have just gone to the mall!

That is hilarious about the goat!! I will trade you one skid for one goat!! I would much rather have animals!! I love my puggies, skid not so much!!

beyond pissed-off's picture

And I thought MY house was pet-central. 5 dogs, 3 cats and a bird but I am sadly lacking goats! Congrats on your vet daughter. That takes some serious brains and commitment!

duct_tape's picture

Thanks. Her destiny was set when I caught her removing parts from her hamster (post-mortem). She's a strange person.

ThatGirl's picture

Alcohol and loud music. Drink, sing, and dance your way through it! Send everyone away for the day so that you aren't interrupted.

herewegoagain's picture

That's called exhaustion and depression all into one! lol I get it! Take some "Happy Camper" pills, yes, they are called that and are the best!

imjustthemaid's picture

I could use some of those as I am not a happy camper at all lately!! If I take these pills will they make SD15 go away??

k8tie's picture

Get some duct tape, then tape all of your small stuff/knick-knacks down then go get the leaf blower! LOL


sterlingsilver's picture

i finally got motivated today to clean the garage where my ss18 was living. I dreaded it for over a week. It took a rake, a shovel (really), a whole roll of garbage bags, 9 bins of recyling, I am a mean cleaner too and half way thru SO came home and I started yelling like this is your spawns mess why don't you get in here and help. but i got it done and now i'm relieved. probably worse then a hoarder's house. i took a pic for my sisters to see and then deleted it b/c i didn't want them to see how awful it was for me. ss18 moved out tho and so now it's going to be so nice. i'm lucky most of it was in the garage and when we move next week we can just spray it down.

duct_tape's picture

When my SS20 moved out, he left behind piles of garbage and dirty clothes. The walls were spattered with koolaid and what looked like puke. There were condom wrappers, used condoms (in pizza boxes), used tampons scattered on top of a two thousand dollar armoir, disgusting. I waited a while cuz I couldn't muster the courage to tackle it. Then I put on my cleaning haz-mat suit, gloves, mask and all with a bucket of hot soapy bleach and tore it up. Wasn't too careful either about splashing the bleach on all the expensive clothes on the floor. WTF ever. Every time he walks through the door and up to a guest room I think about cleaning that gross shit. Ugh, I have so much resentment.

momoftwinz's picture

I have two year old twins. I can have spend the entire day cleaning and by the time DH comes home the house is a mess again. My motivation is the skid coming her and bitching to BM that my house is a mess. I get so upset sometimes, I just can't stand to be around when she's here. I just imagine all the horrible things she's saying to her mother about me.

duct_tape's picture

Well, now it's Sunday evening and my his isn't so bad anymore. I gave a quick once over, as usual. No animals showed up this weekend. No SS showed up either. That means I actually relaxed and spent time with my kids. Thanks for the great ideas. My sweet dh brought me a bottle of Jim Beam, got through cleaning the office with that! And made a few sales! Woo-hoo!

xihahas's picture

You need to sit down with your DH and tell him how you are feeling, and you AND your husband need to sit down with dear old mom and have a frank conversation about house boundaries.

Thankfully I'm difficult to live with, so all my adult family members have made it clear that they do not want to be dumped here to be cared for in old age...I feel for you. It's hard to share space with an adult as an adult yourself. Ouch.