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duct_tape's picture

This is a question for my sister, not me. She is married to a man who had two kids of his own. They are, believe it or not, 24 and 20. He still pays child support. They both claim to be in college so he is still paying %550 a month.

Well, they are on her husband's insurance and my sister recieved an e.o.b. from the insurance co regarding the 20 year old. Apparently a claim for him was denied because he has been deemed ineligible. She called the ins co and they said he couldn't prove that he was enrolled in college, FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS!!!! Through the rumor mill, my sister also learned that not only does he not go to school, he works full time on a farm, and does not live at home and hasn't for a long time!!! She is insanely pissed. The bm has an attorney and has broken every rule imaginable. She is greedy and smart and evil to the bone. My sister feels like the courts will do nothing to punish her. This woman comes to court a couple of times a year with a stack of medical bills for her "children". My sister's husband is order to pay for half of them. These are bills for them that weren't covered my insurance. These usually range about three grand a year. He has not only paid support, but paid these damn bills for a kis who's not even in school. It's questionable now if the girl is even in school. She is supposedly on her second bachelor degree program. IT'S CRAZY!!!

duct_tape's picture

BTW, my sister and her husband are so bled by this bitch that they can not afford an attorney. They can barely survive.

jadedprincess's picture

im assuming your sister and her dh know what school the sd is attending? go to the school and ask. and while your at it go to the school that ss was supposed to be attending and find out his last enrollment date. maybe they could get rembursed from BM if they can prove that she lied willingly to recieve money not entitled to her

duct_tape's picture

We spent two hours on the phone yesterday. The schools will not reveal any information regarding students over the age of eighteen. It's some Department of Education privacy law. They just will not. All she can do is petition the court to get the info and the court says get a lawyer. Missouri is one the worst states when it comes to acheiving anything in court without a lawyer. You can't do anything without one. The lawyers make sure it stays that way.

duct_tape's picture

The child support office informed her that they perform duties only for custodial parents. The school WILL NOT give any information. There is a federal privacy law for all students over the age of eighteen. Gotta love the fed govt! She can get no proof other than the insurance company stating that the kid was unable to provide proof of enrollment. I think he never attended the first year of college. I think she made him enroll so she could collect cs and then he dropped out. No one in the court ever ever requested their proof of enrollement.

PrincessFiona's picture

If you are in the US, it was my understanding that the proof of college for health insurance eligability went away with Obama's new health plan. Children can be covered up to age 26 by a parents policy regarless of employment or college.

duct_tape's picture

Yes, maybe that's true but those laws aren't in effect yet. And, her husband is paying for his insurance and cs only because he is enrolled in school.

winehead's picture

That part of the health care law HAS gone into effect. Parents can cover their adult children up until the age of 26 with no requirement for being in school. Doesn't mean parents HAVE to, just means that employers and health insurance companies have to offer coverage.

FERPA is the federal regulation barring colleges from releasing information about students 18 and older unless the student has granted permission. That permission can be for specific data (bursar bill, for example) and limited to specific people. Colleges don't mess around with this regulation.

Disclaimer: I am not an attorney. I just act like one sometimes.

duct_tape's picture

All non-custodial parents in missouri are deemed unfit and criminal. All custodial parents can do no wrong. There are documented cases here where cust parents commit fraud repeatedly and there's no punishment. MO is one of the few states where you can potentially get slapped with cs payments until your kid has finished their masters or phd.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

File a motion in court requesting that the CP provide proof that the kids are attending college.

ctnmom's picture

Is there legal aid in Missouri? It sounds like your sister's DH would be elegible. Here where I am, you can make an appt. and they'll give you like 1/2 hour of free legal advice, as well as DYI court advice. One of my offices is in a low income area and a lot of my clients there have taken advantage of it.

Auteur's picture

Are they living in NY? CS goes to 21 and beyond AND divorced dads are obligated to pay college expenses; the BM sounds EXACTLY like the Behemoth, cagey money grubber.

GG pays $1000 a month (and makes a whopping $15 an hour) for his three hellions. And he's been paying daycare expenses for years now that she has stopped using years ago. In NY you don't go back for a downward mod b/c the BM will find something to jack it up even higher than before. And the courts will always rule in her favour. I feel your sister's pain!

buterfly_2011's picture

I don't know what your laws are where you live but in Oregon our kids can be covered until they are 26. School or no School. My daughter just graduated last month and her dad was threatening to take her off his insurance but sadly for him it's in our divorce papers he has to cover her. I also have her on mine. I think it's the least he can do for her. She works hard. And is enrolled to start college in the summer. She moved out right after she graduated. I will cover her for as long as it's legally ok to do so. I HOWEVER do NOT think it is RIGHT for BM or BD's to make all these doctor appointments without consulting the other parent then expect the other parent to cough up the money to cover co-pays or what insurance isn't covering. My SO pays about $1100 total for his kids then he also pays for their medical bills. His ex will call him and ask him to put the fricken co-pay in her account so she deosn't have to pay for that either. It's ASSNINE! Greedy women creating greedy children. thinking everyone OWES them something!

duct_tape's picture

I don't know why the insurance comp kicked him off, but the documents apparently indicate the enrollment issue. He works for the state. Regardless, the kids is not in school. The insurance isn't the issue. His dad is supposed to keep the kid on his insurance until he is eighteen unless he continues school.

duct_tape's picture

As much as this bitch is on top of the dimes, she hasn't complained that the insurance kicked her kid off? That's because she knows she's guilty of fraud.If they kicked him off the policy for any other reason, she would have raised all kinds of hell. This ugly bitch is gonna pay. My sister just needs to find the right attorney for the right price. Hopefully it will be some poor sap who also has to pay shit tons of cs to someone who doesn't deserve or needs it. Maybe he'll do it for free just to be able to exact revenge on someone.