Off topic - Personal question for adult eyes only
In addition to a hell on wheels ride as a step-mom, I have dealt with my husband cheating on me due to compulsive sexual issues. He has kinda sorta addressed his issues (was it compulsion or just being an ass that could easily be changed???)...but thankfully he hasn't cheated on me in 3+ years.
This is where it gets personal...we have been married nine years and have two kids together, 5 and 3. The 3 year old still ends up in bed with us nearly every night. DH is gone during the week at a police academy and can just come home on the weekends. Last week was his first week gone. We didn't have sex when he came home this weekend! How normal is that? I know our sex life is not exactly normal due to his issues, but I thought it was improving. But not having sex after him being gone for a week and probably didn't have it a week or more before he left...that does not seem at all normal to me. He just doesn't initiate hardly at all and I get tired of makes me feel like my husband doesn't desire me. I may not be a 10 but I get compliments frequently and I am not overweight or it is not that I am not an attractive woman.
DH is the only man I have been with...but I imagine a "normal" guy would rush home and not let a night go by without making love after being gone for a week. Is that an accurate assumption? I know being tired and the kids, especially one that ends up in our bed, doesn't help matters, but wouldn't most men "find a way"?
Sorry if anyone finds this offensive...
He might just be really
He might just be really tired. But if you are both still young, and he had "compulsive sexual issues" before - this sounds far fetched. Have you asked him what's wrong? Why he doesn't initiate sex?
I am late twenties, he is
I am late twenties, he is early thirties. Men with compulsive sexual issues have a hard time with real intimacy...easier to have sex with strangers than someone they care about. That is why I am concerned. I have checked all avenues I know to check...he doesn't appear to be cheating...I just don't feel our intimacy is "normal" yet...we seem to be back-pedaling. But since I don't have a "normal normal" to use for comparison, I don't know if this is normal or not. He uses the too tired excuse or the kids excuse. Just wish I knew if those were genuine reasons or just excuses.
The only normal I have for comparison is what you see in movies and how ridiculously sexual ex-boyfriends wanted to get with me...both of which are not really "normal".
I assume you are asking if he
I assume you are asking if he may be cheating on you again. And I would assume yes he is. I am sorry, but the sex addiction/ compulsion is a joke. Men get caught over and over and say they can't help it due to addiction....and women fall for it!
Once a cheater always a cheater.
I don't think he is cheating
I don't think he is cheating on me (although that is always in the back of my mind). I just feel bad always complaining about our sex life if it is indeed normal for some normal men. Lack of sex in our case is usually him watching porn...this time I am not finding any porn. So I am confused. Trying to be a supportive wife but I have needs, too!
The whole addiction excuse won't work with me. If he does so much as talk to another woman inappropriately, it is an immediate divorce and I get everything...those are terms of our relationship post-cheating.
Is it possible he's just
Is it possible he's just getting better at hiding it? I mean, he knows you're checking up on him, right?
I don't agree with the "once
I don't agree with the "once a cheater always a cheater" truism. Once a cheater, always on guard perhaps. Sexual compulsion/addiction is a real thing with complex psychological and physiological responses. Sadly, I know more about this than I ever wanted to, and my DH has received the same ultimatum of "so much as one more inappropriate conversation" and I'm gone.
We don't know enough about the OP's situation. If it were me, I'd be talking with DH about it for sure though. Is there a medical reason (drop in testosterone perhaps)? A psychological reason, and is counseling in order for one or both? My DH has a good therapist and that has saved our marriage thus far. It's a tough, tough issue. You've got to be able to talk about these things in a strong marriage and get help when you need it.
My ex (who did not have sexual compulsion/addiction issues) almost never initiated with me. That was his "normal" and after awhile I didn't like him enough to even worry about it. Everybody is "normal" and nobody is "normal."
I don't have much advice to
I don't have much advice to offer, but since my DH is law enforcement, I thought I'd chime in.
We have a very active sex life and I'd consider it to be pretty healthy. When he works the day shift (his shifts rotate), we average 4-5x per week.
When he's on nights, it drops because of conflicting schedules (he's coming home WAY after I'm in bed and I'm leaving for work just 2-3 hours later); but we still maintain 3x a week.
We also have skids every weekend, so we're both pretty tired and usually silently agree to just catch some sleep
I know the scheduling and young children can be tough on the energy level and libido, and that's probably pretty normal. If you're having other concerns, talk to him. Ask him to see a doctor if you think that would help.
Thanks for chiming in! I am
Thanks for chiming in! I am jealous! I am sure if DH wanted it that much I wouldn't want it any more! But some occasional initiation would certainly be nice!
It's possible at his age for
It's possible at his age for his sex drive to diminish. My ex had similar issues so I understand the lack of intimacy part. But we never had sex because of that, on my doing. It is difficult to just turn it on all of a sudden on the days you are with someone, and turn it off the rest of the time. I would ask him.
I think I need to just keep
I think I need to just keep prying for more information...thanks.
Oh the LE career...I despise
Oh the LE career...I despise it for that very reason. I mean I can put a GPS tracker on MY car...can't exactly get away with bugging out a police cruiser and not go to jail lol!
I can't really speak to what
I can't really speak to what a "normal" guy would do but I suppose it depends on the guy and the relationship he's in. I have a 2-year-old daughter, a 4-year-old son, a 13-year-old stepson and an attention starved dog. All of whom do their best to try and climb into our bed. I swear, sometimes I feel like our bed is not a place of solace and intimacy but the end-zone of a football match. I go on week-long business trips myself. DW and I try to get some bedroom Olympics in before I go away and hardly ever afterwards because I am just too tired or I come home at an awkward time.
I am not asking StepTalk to
I am not asking StepTalk to tell me if my husband is cheating on me...I am the best judge of that. I was simply asking what is "normal" for other couples so I can see how "normal" our sex life is in comparison.
I gave my husband a second chance. It does not mean I bought into addiction excuses as making it all "OK". It never was and never will be "ok", he just got a second chance and actually turned into the husband I never thought he could be. I am just curious how close to "normal" we are getting in the bedroom dept and if other couples struggle with being too tired even after a week long separation.
I have talked to doctors and counselors years ago when the cheating was first uncovered...we are no longer more like a damaged relationship...we are closer to normal. Normal couples are how I can determine how close to normal we are...not damaged couples.
I guess it is hard to put
I guess it is hard to put into words to explain to others. I had my own set of issues that I continue to work on...stemming from having a crappy father, which is likely why I was willing to give that second chance and accept crappy behavior from DH to begin with (that and I knew if I didn't fix my issues the next guy would be just as bad, if not worse). I do believe DH has a problem, I like to think it is past tense but with these types of issues they require daily work to keep them under control so they never fully become a "past" issue. I don't entirely buy in to the whole "addict" thing, but I do see some compulsive types of behaviors and do believe there is a compulsive issue to his problems. Does that mean what he did was "OK"? Oh hell no. And it is no excuse for his behaviors just explains part of the why...totally does NOT make it ok.
The suspicion and wondering are really tough...especially now while he is gone for the first time since our problems came to light and our bedroom life has me scratching my head. But it really isn't questioning if he is cheating on me so much as if he is struggling with his issues (which could then lead to cheating). The fact that he could be cheating on me is very real...he is more likely to than other men due to his past...but I do not harp on that...I just address the things that have me scratching my head before they progress and I trust my gut to tell me when something is not right. But I don't live in fear every day...I live enjoying the relationship I have at the present...even if there is a little less sex involved than I would like.
Growing together and healing together has been a very rewarding experience. My abusive husband is now a nice husband 95% of the time...he doesn't cheat on me, but he is not perfect and neither am I. Our marriage is probably more healthy and stable than most marriages that haven't been through the wringer...he knows me inside and out and knows my troubled past and I know the same about him.
I am a bit confused...think I can probably chalk it up to stress and exhaustion...those things get my red flags popping up which are now quite sensitive to things that seem "off".
Whew that was long!
My DH works offshore 3 weeks
My DH works offshore 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off and during the 21 days he is home we have SS probably about 15-18 of the days. I work about 70 miles away and will come home exhausted and cannot tell you how many times DH will try to get SS to go to bed early so we can have intimate time. From that first night home to the night he leaves he tries to get it and 99% of the time no matter how tired it happens.
How often do y'all talk when he is gone to work? Does his attitude sound different? Is one that would be more into porn that you if as you say the people with the disorder have issues with those they care about and would rather have sex with strangers? I mean personally I would be concerned on if he was cheating on you again, and even if not with another woman if he is more into the whole porn thing.
I would bring up to him that you noticed things weren't as intimate as you thing in a relationship is communication and if it is bothering you bad enough to post it is something you need to talk to him about.
I guess your really just
I guess your really just worried if he's cheating. If you think he is, if you feel in your gut he is, then he probably is.he's not going to own up to it if you ask him, he's not going to tell you over dinner. Cheaters are by nature liars. The only person who can give you the answer you are seeking is you. Perhaps you already know the answer and you are seeking reassurance, I don't know, but the only person you can really trust to give you an answer here is you.
I'm sorry for the pressure you are under.
My DH has some compulsive
My DH has some compulsive sexual issues himself. Like you state, it is definitely easier for him to have sex with people he doesn't have any emotional connection with. He has faked the emotional connection with people just to get laid. He claims he gets "bored" with sex, but always wants it and always thinks about it. I told him recently that even the most beautiful model would be boring to him because sex is just sex, and if he's that bored with it, it doesn't matter who it is. We have a conversation like this every couple months, and I'm tired of repeating myself.
That said, my husband is also in his early 50's, and we have a 2 year old and a 1 year old. (Yes, I'm a bit younger than him.) We don't have sex nearly as often as we used to, but we average 2x per week, plus I give him oral (without him reciprocating...not by my choice, but whatever...) a couple times per week. I think depending on MY mood since he can be a short-tempered jerk many times, we'll be more active or not.
My DH also goes through occasional cycles where he claims his libido is low, and we're not as active. Have you asked yours outright why nothing has been happening? I've asked outright, and I've also asked outright if he's cheating. Mine has cheated on me, and I also know what to look for. I hope I'm not jinxing myself by saying my red flags have been gone for a while.
Again, DH has also told me that he is not capable of simply being friends with a woman. If he's friendly with a woman, he'll want to have sex with her. Period. If my DH was gone all week and didn't touch me when he came home, I'd ask him about the women he's around, and assume that he's chasing one of them.
Thanks for your reply, this
Thanks for your reply, this is more along the lines of what I was looking for. And thanks for the book recommendation, I needed some new reading material
I am nervous about his new career...not that it can be much worse than the military where he came from but I am sure it isn't helping his recovery any.
Thanks Sunny. I hope I can
Thanks Sunny. I hope I can chalk this up to stress and exhaustion! But if he is too tired while home for the holidays, stuff is gonna hit the fan! (although then I will probably be too exhausted...sigh
My DH travels for work. We
My DH travels for work. We always make it a point to have sex before he leaves on a trip, even if it is only for one day, but not so much when he comes home. He is usually exhausted.
Hey, O-M. I'm sorry you're
Hey, O-M. I'm sorry you're going through this, but late 20's/early 30's relationship usually is having a lot more sex. Go with your gut, O-M and ask the tough questions if you want to know. I've seen this happen to our former daughter-in-law. She complained to me about the very thing you're talking about. It turned out to be the worst case scenario, and now he's married to it. :sick: Take care of you. ♥
I'm not going to comment on
I'm not going to comment on the question of whether he's cheating, but in terms of what is a 'normal' for a marital sex life - that has fluctuated dramatically over the course of my 10 year relationship and marriage to DH. Honestly I think any long term relationship has it peaks and troughs, based on work, and family commitments and children and stress levels and just how into each other you are at a particular time. I have been through a spell like the one you are describing where DH was worryingly uninterested in sex, and I'm 100% certain it wasn't because he was cheating. He's a person who tends to bottle up stress and anxiety and it manifests itself in other ways. He wouldn't really discuss the stress, he wouldn't really discuss the loss of interest, I think he wanted to pretend it wasn't happening. Eventually it resolved itself, but it was a real problem between us for a while. Currently DH would be doing it every day if he had the option - which he doesn't because we've got 3 young children and honestly some days I either fall asleep just after they do, or just want some time to myself! Other than stress and children other things that have affected our sex life are health and fitness: DH has got much fitter over the last few months and started taking vitamin supplements, I'm pretty certain that has made a difference to his (cough) appetite for life. In your situation there are obviously some worrying precedents which cast things in a worse light, but only you can determine whether this is a a recurrence of past problems or there is something else going on.
"a man not having sex with
"a man not having sex with his wife is either gay or getting it elsewhere. As a man, I must agree."
That is the stereotype that I that true for all healthy men?
It appears above some say work, stress, exhaustion are all things that can put a damper on the sex I am going to go with the above is true for most when other variables are not in play.
We are also very
We are also very affectionate...we are almost always touching...just not always behind closed doors lol
I think it's a bit of an oil
I think it's a bit of an oil on the flames stereotype, used by a percentage of men who pride themselves on their sex drive. I do think if one or both parties go off sex for a significant period of time then there is a cause and it needs to be addressed - because sex is important for intimacy, but, there are far more possible causes than simply being gay or cheating.
FDH and I go in waves,
FDH and I go in waves, sometimes we can't keep our hands off each other and then others we are lucky to get it once every two weeks. I have noticed stress and our work schedules can really put sex on the back burner. I know he's not cheating on me. He and I both make sure to remind the other if some sexy time is needed. This last month for example: we bought a home, finilizing plans for our wedding, I finished my last three classes for my undergrad, one with a huge project, plus we either have had his daughter or the weekends we didn't he was on call-the whole weekend. We've been intimate maybe three times. We still cuddle every night and its going to happen tonight even if I have to pull out the garter belts
'Normal' is different for
'Normal' is different for different people. It all depends on what is going on at the time, and many things can factor into how often you have sex.
Age, tiredness, time, stress, medications and health issues are obviously some of them.
I know that because of his past it's difficult to not assume the worst, but really, a week is not that long and he very well could have been tired.
Like a lot of others said, communication is key.
From what I've read and heard from others, 2-3 times per week is actually on the high end of the spectrum.
Thanks for all of your advice
Thanks for all of your advice and examples! I think I might be experiencing a little PTSD since DH is out of town and it is making me more worrisome!
Brag much?
Brag much? }:)
LOL! What you really want
LOL! What you really want when you're feeling insecure about your sex life is people letting you know how fantastic their sex life is!
Even for a man in his early
Even for a man in his early thirties he "should" (and that's a very broad term) still have desire and drive. WIll he consider getting his testosterone levels checked for you? Be honest about your desires not being met. You guys are married - Shouldn't have to hide your feelings like this.
As for not finding porn... Well, there's definitely options such as Incognito on Google Chrome that allows for one to browse without a history or cookies being stored on the computer. In that case I'd assume the worst.
Maybe even seeing a sex therapist would help.
Chiming in late here: DH and
Chiming in late here: DH and I average much much less than what is being related here.
I see you know the military somewhat. I'm a SFC, and DH is a CSM. We average 60+ hour workweeks. Even when we were NCPs, we only averaged once a week. Now, I am hanging out for this week, and it's the first time I've seen DH since the beginning of February. We're hitting the sheets pretty frequently, (even got heard by the teenager, oops) but I'm sure it'll decrease soon after we're settled. In our case, that's fine. There are some quirks in our sex life, but they don't include infidelity on his part, and I'm confident it never will.