
Villas21's picture

A family member that we dont speak to...has told my disrespectful s.d.that I have said things about her dead mother&I have been convicted by this young woman anyone who knows me I have never ever said anything negative about this poor dead women who died more than 39 years ago.have spoken w s.d. and even said if I could bring her mom back I would give up my life w her dad.I am so done.My husband believes me. But I am so done with with the evil lies of people who spew them..
Why hurt people..
Especially.s.d.with lies.....s.d.says she doesn't like me....I told her if she feels that way and does not believe me she is not welcomed in my.home.
My husband can visit have dinner whatever w his daughter.but not in our home.
I would never discourage him from seeing his d.
I have cared for this s.d.through serious illness and was her primary caregiver for 2 year!
Her advocate w health care fast one forgets!
I gave her 3 weeks to respond to my text now have blocked her on my cell.
She is the same person I have posted about in is upsetting but I feel like I am convicted and did nothing but be respectful of her moms memory.
This sd has not spoken to many people in the past...never is told my her dad that her behavior is offensive...
She is husband claims he is done parenting...please any input is appreciated.

MrsStepMom's picture

I mean at 54 I really wouldn't care. She is SOOOO far beyond the having to deal with her stage of life. I'd just flat out ignore the whole thing.

tog redux's picture

You can't control what other people say about you or think about you. You know you have done nothing wrong so hold your head high and put the problem where it belongs - with your SD.

At 54, he should not be "parenting" anyway.  As you said, he can see his daughter on his own and you can have nothing to do with her.  It doesn't reflect on you in anyway, so don't carry that with you. 

Siemprematahari's picture

Let this mess go!!! She's 54 years old and carrying on about something that she doesn't know for sure is true. Let her remain miserable and if your H wants to see her he can do it on his time and away from you.

Lifes to short for the bullsh!t!!!

Rags's picture

You solved it. She will not infect your home with her presence and it sounds like her dad is only marginally tolerant of her.

Stay the course and keep her in the write off column.