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If it's not one it's the other

DaizyDuke's picture

I am so sick of this revolving skid/BM shit. It NEVER fails, like EVER! There's some stupid drama with one skid/BM and when that finally goes away or at least settles down, there's new drama with the other skid/BM. This crap makes my anxiety level go from a 5 to off the freaking richter scale.

After all the drama with SD last month. Things have been quiet and peaceful. SD is safely tucked away at College 3 states away from us. Then DH gets a text from BM2 today asking if they can get together to have a conversation with SS17 about his future. WTF? DH has had a conversation with SS about his future EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. he sees him for the past 3 years now. The kid is almost 18, has no job, no driver's license, and barely goes to school. He's so far behind in credits, he already knows he's not graduating in June and will have to go to summer school. SIX fucking years ago when we were living at our old house and BM2 moved in with her BF in another district and had to use our address so SS could keep going to school in his same district, we were getting letters about his attendance and tardiness. SIX fucking years ago. Why is future suddenly a concern and why is this DH problem? I mean I get that DH is his father, but how many ways can he have this same conversation with the kid?

Having a cute little "together" conversation with him isn't going to change the fact that he's late for school all the time.. even though he literally lives 2 blocks from the school and BM works PT and the earliest she would ever have to be to work is 10 a.m. It isn't going to change the fact that BM has groomed him to be the failure that he is by letting him smoke dope since he was at least 13, giving him condoms since he was 11, marrying a man that is 6 years older than SS who SS sees as a "buddy" and sits around playing video games with and probably smoking dope with. That every time DH has tried to pass down consequences for SS actions (shoplifting, drinking, smoking dope etc) BM2 undermines DH... calls bitching about how SS is not a "Mexican slave", about how SS is just a "normal" teenager, about how DH is just so mean and awful.

Ugh I am just sick to my stomach right now. I just have this awful feeling about all of this. I am so sick to death of having to clean up these piece of shit skank's messes. Why, oh why in the wide world of sports did I have to fall for a man who has not one, but two worthless whore BMs. Why oh why couldn't my DH have used a fucking brain cell and wrapped his shit up??


notsobad's picture

Well, he's about to age out and she won't be getting CS anymore.
So my bet is that she's ready to let him go live with Dad and Dad can see if he can do anything with him. She's done her part and tried.

DaizyDuke's picture

WRONG! We live in the BM lover state of NY so CS goes to 21. But I AM worried that is what will be angled for...... SS coming to live with us. I can't do that shit again... ESPECIALLY with this BM! She won't be like BM1 who can't be bothered... she'll be all up in our shit 24/7. No. No. No.

notsobad's picture

Yikes, CS goes long here too but only if they stay in school.

I guess all he can do is go talk to her. No, it's not ideal but he should go. If he doesn't then she'll accuse him of not caring.

DaizyDuke's picture

That's what he pretty much told her.. but guarantee, she won't let it drop at that.

I just did some detective work (because I have connections) and found out that SS has 11 credits. ELEVEN fucking credits. He needs 21 to graduate! So basically even IF he buckles down and works his ass off this WHOLE year, he'll STILL have to go to summer school AND the first semester of next year at the very LEAST. This is so much worse than I thought.. I could just cry right now. I hate these people.

DaizyDuke's picture

Nope, DH has already said that if SS ever did come and live with us, he wouldn't fight about CS with BM...I would flip my ever loving shit over that! This is a woman who works part time yet has flitted off to California the past 2 years for vacation, gets her hair done, nails done, goes out to eat all the time, always has money for new clothes and shoes etc.

I would leave DH before I would allow him to move SS in without getting CS from that bitch. Mark my words.

zerostepdrama's picture

Daizy- I think you wrote that last sentence wrong. It should read:

I would leave DH before I would allow him to move SS in. Mark my words.


WalkOnBy's picture

I agree with this - why the meet up at all? what, is the skid suddenly going to change his whole life and become a productive member of society?


She wants your husband to be the heavy here all the while looking like the concerned BM.

I call bullshit.

And, you don't need a medal, Daizy. You need a big fat glass of wine. Or a winery. Your choice.

DaizyDuke's picture

Yeah, I just don't get this "let's sit down together" crap. DH said he has ZERO desire to do this.. BUT will if pushed because he doesn't want it to look like he didn't "try" grrrr

DaizyDuke's picture

I am sick. I can see it now. SS will be too "embarrassed" to have to repeat 12th grade so the bright idea will be for him to come and live with us since we live in a different district. Mark my words... this is probably what is in the making right now.

Thumper's picture

DAIZY....DH should say BM you kept me on the sidelines all these years, you controlled and micor managed everything. If he was in our house he would be forced to have a job by now--- You can keep doing what your doing I am not interesting in talk with you about our son who is almost an adult, I will talk with him directly..he is not 10 and under.

IF our son decides to come over for dinner, I will talk to him again but this time I am going to suggest he start to test for the Military---that is my suggestion. HE can take it or leave it.


DaizyDuke's picture

This is what I told him. He needs to tell BM that he HAS been trying for years to talk some sense into this kid. But kid just runs home and mommy coddles him and nothing changes.

I truly don't understand the need to meet "together" that's just dumb. The kid is almost 18... Gawd I hate this bitch!

DaizyDuke's picture

But that would take away all MY fun.. because I really want to call her and cuss her out! WAHHHHHH I already called her every nasty, cunty, name in the skank handbook when I was talking to DH... but it didn't make me feel any better, because I just want to say it to HER.

robin333's picture

Fruit, you know I'm in. I can bottle up my dogs' noxious anal gas releases to pump into BM'S car and home.

zerostepdrama's picture

Question- if a child isn't in school- high school or college, does DH still have to pay child support until SS is 21?

DaizyDuke's picture

Doesn't matter if he's in school or not.. if he's living with BM, DH would have to pay CS until 21.

In New York State, a child is entitled to be supported by his or her parents until the age of 21. However, if the child is under 21 years of age, and is married, or self-supporting, or in the military, the child is considered to be "emancipated" and the parents' support obligation ends

DaizyDuke's picture

IKR? Stupidest fucking shit.. and of course they throw the word "entitled" in there to make it even more annoying.

zerostepdrama's picture

No point in talking now... the damage is done. If SS is going to change it's going to be because he wants to change.

Just make it clear to DH that SS isn't coming to live with you guys.

RayRay's picture

I don't how you deal with 2 BMs. I would be perpetually intoxicated. BM here is either MIA or completely high conflict. Good luck and may the BM/SKID issues go away soon. Here's hoping!!

DaizyDuke's picture

I'm pretty sure I have a 1/2 bottle of wine in the fridge that I opened at least 6 months ago.. because my life has been peaceful with SD gone and I really haven't had the need to have a perma-buzz. I think that bottle will be disappearing tonight.

DaizyDuke's picture

HAHA thanks for making me laugh! I have to take BS6 to soccer practice tonight and in the teeny little town we have to drive through to get to his school.. there are literally 6 businesses... A car repair shop, a Seven-11, an insurance agent, a bar, a bank and....... A LIQUOR STORE!!!!!! AND I know the owner, her son takes Karate with BS6. I do believe I will be rolling up in there TONIGHT!!! Wink

DaizyDuke's picture

BS really IS the only reason I stuck it out through the SD hell years. But it took a HUGE toll on me... I can't do it again.. and I won't do it to BS. Our house can go into forclosure for all I care...I'll recover eventually. I'll live with my mother or in some tiny apartment before I do this again... especially with this pot head and this bitch.

robin333's picture

Monkey, how did you do that? I have tried so hard (DH some) to get SS into a GED program. I have provided the information twice as well as a prep book. DH has talked about the importance of a GED and not waiting. That started years ago with the only thing achieved was wasting my time.

DaizyDuke's picture

I couldn't give a flying fart what they figure out or if SS graduates or doesn't.. as long as it doesn't result in SS living with us! THAT is why I am stressing!

DaizyDuke's picture

The kid lives within FIVE MINUTE walking distance of at LEAST 10 restaurants (fast food and other), a KMart, a Tractor Supply, a Home Depot, numerous gas stations and places I'm probably forgetting. There are ZERO excuses for why this kid does not have a job.. other than he's lazy and BM allows it.

We don't have access to SS school records because BM hasn't listed DH in years and DH hasn't pushed it. The only reason I got the credit information is because I work in a neighboring school district and have pull and connections. And guess where the GED program is located? (it's run by BOCES so it encompasses 4 districts) MY FUCKING BUILDING! I don't even DARE tell DH this because then he would IMMEDIATELY think it a great idea for SS to come live with us and I could bring him with me every day. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Tuff Noogies's picture

only 4 districts? our BOCES took 18 districts!

and no, H3LL NO dont mention the GED program to your dh. that would be ssooooo convenient, doncha know.... :sick:

DaizyDuke's picture

Our BOCES has 21 districts, but the GED program that is in my building is where 4 of those districts funnel too. They must have more programs within the BOCES district because I can't believe they would expect delinquent kids/parents to drive an hour or more to go to GED classes by only offering them in one location.

DaizyDuke's picture

This is what I told DH. She should have been concerned about his education at LEAST 6 years ago, when he started missing school, doing poorly, etc. Instead she blew it off because she was too busy chasing after her 19 year old boyfriend and going to her cult church classes 3 times a week. DH thinks the military is the only hope for him but the kid is too lazy and won't do it AND there's the problem of no diploma or GED. (read above.... I don't want to suggest GED for reasons that terrify me!)

DaizyDuke's picture

Oh avoiding the area is simple... they are in opposite end of the building from me. What I am concerned with is DH thinking it would be a wonderful "plan" for SS to come live with us, so I could bring him in with me every day, since we'd be in the same building and all. Because if BM can't get him to the school that is 2 blocks away from her, no way will she get him to my school that is like 20 minutes away from her.

Acratopotes's picture

DAizyD - I did not read all the comments cause it's too much and with not drinking I might forget my witty cute answer }:)

Now you and DH will have this sit down meeting with BM,SF and SS.... yes you have to, you dress to the nines for this meeting, have some adult fun before the meeting so that you and DH both are glowing.....

Then let BM talk and talk and talk..... her idea of a meeting is to tell you that SS will be moving in with you, it's your turn. DH can sit back, look like goofy and say BM.... you caused this problem, when I wanted to parent him you blocked me, so please explain to me how this is my problem now? SS will not move in with us, he can enroll with the army or stay with you.... now thank you for the coffee...

Then get up and go, without paying, stick BM and SF with the bill Blum 3

DaizyDuke's picture

No can do. I absolutely can NOT be within a 100 mile radius of BM. I'm not kidding here... I'm afraid of what I would do and/or say. I hate this woman more than I have ever hated anyone in my life. BM1 is a drug induced idiot... sure I dislike her, she's a moron and she's annoying, but BM2? She is a straight up bitch like you have never seen. She likes to pretend that she has a clue (she does not.. let's remember how she called DH to ask how to fill out a job application) and even though she is a low class piece of shit, SHE thinks she is God's greatest gift to man. She rides around on a horse that his higher than Mount Everest. And remember, she and I had it out in a big way 7 or 8 years ago. There is NO WAY I can be in on this meeting. I can't even stand to hear her name.. it literally makes me sick. Very literally.

Acratopotes's picture

oh scary cat.... believe me I will be there cause I am just very curious lol....

I would love to see SO telling BM - you created this you deal with it in her face...

Acratopotes's picture

I never said she must go low and behave bad....

I would dress to the nines, big hat and sunglasses and all, perfectly manicured nails, make up and channel suit...
I will have this bored look on my face and say and do nothing.... roll my eyes now and again or look at the dung she speaks, just over the sunglasses frame with a raised eye brow...

sipping the most expensive cocktail while they drink beer out of bottles

Acratopotes's picture

I hate BM as well, but this is what I do.....

small town - sometimes there's nothing I can do about being in the same place as BM..... have not seen BM for a while, guess she's not going out anymore lol....

every time BM lost her self and went crazy while I just stood there with raised eyebrow, looked at her and said:

Oh dear, it's so sad the day a adult woman can't handle her wine and starts acting like a teenage drama queen

ESMOD's picture

The revolving door of kid crap. Just to make you feel better, it's no different with intact families (with the exception that you don't have to deal with EX's).

My brother and I traded turns being the bad one and good one. I joke with my dad about his will being a white board and he just erases and writes names down based upon which one of us is the bad