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The police called last night

Readytoscream's picture

The police called last night to tell husband that his daughter had been picked up for making a public nuisance of herself and disturbing the public. Anyway from the way she was acting they took her to the county mental hospital for an evaluation. He'll know something tomorrow.


Readytoscream's picture

There were 7 little fairies running around. Everyone pitched in and helped redo the decorations and made it a wonderful party. Husband was moping around saying how much his daughter would love to be here and part of the celebration. She wouldn't have come out of the basement anyway. My Dad took him aside and had a talk with him about getting his head out of his butt. Then he gets the call last night and is blaming himself. Which he should, if he had been a responsible parent he would have gotten her help a long time ago.

buttercookie's picture

What he needs to realize is no blame in the world will go back and change the past. She's getting the help she needs and he should probably get some counseling too so he can learn to handle and help her in the future and not hinder her recovery. Glad you salvaged the party

starfish's picture

oh no, so when they release her, dh is going to want to take her back in and coddle her....... if i were you i would start helping dh figure out what to do with her, b/c coming back to your house is NOT an option..

starfish's picture

even if this stint in the ward doesn't help, at least you have it on record, so when/if you need to call in the future it will be taken seriously!

Readytoscream's picture

Her mother left when she was a toddler and no one has seen her since. She was heavily into drugs and alcohol even when pregnant. His family is your every day average family, no crazy behavior. Even if she is diagnosed with a mental disorder I can't let her back in my home. I won't risk my little one's safety, I can't have someone who is that unstable around my child anymore. She has been destructive and abusive to the older kids for years. She has hurt herself and tried to blame other people for her injuries. I can't and won't get on that roller coaster again.

starfish's picture

i never even entertained allowing her back, earlier post:

oh no, so when they release her, dh is going to want to take her back in and coddle her....... if i were you i would start helping dh figure out what to do with her, b/c coming back to your house is NOT an option..