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She Damaged My Calm!

Fading's picture

So after a few weeks of peace and quiet and not seeing SD, I saw her yesterday. I was at home packing up whatever I could get my hands on when DH walked through the door with her, so my first words to SD "Hi! Let's go pack up your room!" she was excited until she discover how much 'work' it actually entitled. She sat and watched me do half the packing and I finally said "SD you need to help me pack your room, these are your things and if you want them at the new house, I need your help." What does the little stinker say? "I don't want to help. I'm guna lock you in the closet so you can't get out and I'm guna take your cellphone and Daddy's cellphone so you can't call the cops on me." Uh what? I asked her where she heard that from and of course: BM! SD said that BM told her StepIdiot (stepdad) that she was going to lock ME in a closet.
????WHAT???? I don't know anymore than that because that's all SD would tell me/knew. Should I confront BM and ask her what the hell is going on or just leave it alone? So much for my world of sunshine and rainbows.


MikeBrady's picture

What in the world??? Wow! She said that? Out of the mouth of babes, right? I don't think you should confront BM about it. But I do think if it bothers you, your DH should confront her. He needs to let her know that she needs to watch what she says around SD. Who cares what she says or thinks as long as it doesn't get back to you. If it does, then we have a problem!

TheWife's picture

Yeah, your DH should handle this one. That is totally uncalled for. Don't bring it to BM yourself, bring it to DH and hopefully you can trust him to handle this.


Rome wasn't built in a day, and my marriage won't be either.

MarriedwithChild's picture


stepmom008's picture

That's just freakin' wonderful. DH should definitely handle this, though what will you do if he doesn't?

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Fading's picture

Beat her or him over the head with a frying pan? haha. I think I might ignore it for now. DH was in the room when she said it so he knows about it.

*: (=’:’ ):*

TattooQT's picture

Hell yes! Confront BM but only with your DH, not on your own. If the BM is this petty and stupid then she would happily contort anything you say to her if you were to speak to the BM on your own. It is amazing how some grown men and women cannot control their stupidity, pettiness and insults in front of the kids. The BM really needs to grow up.

Good luck!

sweetthing's picture

Your husband needs to address this. Children have no business talking to an adult like that, nor anyone else for that matter. Hello nasty person in the making!!!

Gia's picture

What happened to the big ol' "slap across the face" that our parents should have delightfully provided to us with such comments?



"I will die on my feet before I live on my knees"

bearcub25's picture

We think alike Crayon. REmember the days when you were scared to get in trouble in school b/c you were getting the paddle there and then again at home?

Gia's picture

I don't believe in all this psychology of "don't spank your children" it is a confusing message because they become aggressive. The thing is that I believe (and DH says this a lot) that parents-children relationships are more of a "do as a I SAY not as I DO" I grew up hearing my mom curse A LOT and I wasn't allowed to do that, I never, ever did it before I was about 14 years old (and not in front of my parents)



"I will die on my feet before I live on my knees"

Gia's picture

"In my day you wouldn't THINK of saying that lest you be jacked up and thrown across the room"

Not in a million years the thought of insulting my dad on his face could have crossed my head!!!

I would have been DONE.

Children NEED to respect their parents AND fear the potential punishment. That is the only way they can be productive in society, because society works just like that. We all need to respect and fear the law, at least I am sooo scared of jail, that I would never ever, commit a crime, for many reasons, but that being on my top list!!!



"I will die on my feet before I live on my knees"

Rainbow.Bright's picture

Wow that's really psycho! If your BM is anything like mine, (and it sounds like she is), keeping the ol mouth shut is the best way to go. Any sign of 'getting to you' is a win.