OT: The Ultimate Throwdown
I am supposed to pick up Atilla at 1:45 and take her to her cousins bday party today (I tried to get out of it). This is for the evil SIL's kids. This woman calls me this morning to have me remind DH where it is and I told her I will be picking up Atilla and I would be there at about 2:00. The silence over the phone signaled SIL's atomic bomb that went off in her head and rendered her speech-incapable. Then she says "Well make sure you were something nice, not those sweatpants you walk around in."
Ok ladies on the weekends when I am cleaning, yes I do wear these old ratty sweatpants and I will occasionally wear them to Walmart if I am just running in to pick up more cleaning supplies. Otherwise I get dressed for any other occasions.
So my mission for the day is:
Get dressed up and look so damn good that even her hubby will want to come home with me... }:) Bad I know, but I am going to show that bitch that even though I clean on weekends I can look like a damn hottie when I want to be. Guess DH will get to show me off
Oh a sidenote, about 5 months ago her hubby did step out on her...twice. And it wasn't a downgrade, the mistress was an upgrade if you ask me. In personality and looks.
Sorry I am feeling vindictive after that phone call. Someone knock my senses back, I'm getting all ultra bitch on myself.
- Fading's blog
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what did you reply? i think
what did you reply? i think i would have told her off.
what did you reply? i think
what did you reply? i think i would have told her off.
how rude! I am surprised she
how rude! I am surprised she would say something like that!
Get all dressed up and then say "oh is this ok? is this what you meant? "
Oh yes, because a child's
Oh yes, because a child's birthday party is a black-tie event! so ridiculous.
I love your idea - go show her up, with your bad self!!
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham
once...after not seeing BFs
once...after not seeing BFs family in awhile (and they actually seem to like me barring the women-- his mom excluded, she loves me) and my SIL says when we get to this party "wow, i had a dream about you last night" me: really? her "yes, i dreamed you died" this in front of kids! BF was not in room and i was not going to make a scene at a 7 yr olds bday party. later i told bf, he was inscensed. a few weeks later we went to a party at their house and he brought her a special bottle of wine...handed it right to her and said "i think this is your own private label" it was labeled B&tch.
Your husband sounds
Your husband sounds absolutely AWESOME!!!!
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
he has his moments. just a
he has his moments. just a boyfriend though. actually domestic partners, as we share benefits etc and cohabitate. but right now i feel like ripping his head off and sticking it up his ass.
LOL!! I feel like that
LOL!! I feel like that occasionally too.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
Oh my reply to the Wicked
Oh my reply to the Wicked Witch of the Midwest was just "Ok I'll see you there" click.
I wasn't in the mood to indulge her over the phone
Oh and this bday party is at a freaking bowling alley. Srsly? Who dresses up for a bowling alley? lmao But i've got a hot casual outfit picked out }:)
*: (=’:’ ):*
"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison
Bowling alley - now that's
Bowling alley - now that's classy!!! I knew someone who had their wedding reception at a bowling alley once. Now, don't forget to tease your hair real big and wear a lot of eye makeup. Also, you have to wear painted on leggings and a big leopard shirt - picture Peggy Bundy. Maybe you'll get hit on by a guy with a mullet.
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
a bowling alley? um....i
a bowling alley? um....i think i last went in jeans and a polo. i probably would not have past the clothing test!
I know DH's parents taught
I know DH's parents taught the kids manners, but I think 2 of them failed the lessons horribly. I have the Wicked Witch of the Midwest (SIL in this blog) and a BIL who is just arrogant and rude and disgusting.
*: (=’:’ ):*
"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison
ROFL - I love it! "God is
ROFL - I love it!
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
I call your *piddle* and
I call your *piddle* and raise you a *snottle*
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
OK well one it was rude but
OK well one it was rude but thats funny lol. Me, I would not dress up in fact I would show up in the shittiest pair of sweats I had, ugliest shirt, house slippers, my robe and curlers in my hair all messed up looking with skank trailer park make up on then i would be loud just to embarrass them
Me too! What a witch. I am
Me too! What a witch. I am not sure how I would react to that.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
Mine tend to try to kiss my
Mine tend to try to kiss my a$$ and then suddenly gang up on me and scream in my face and call me names. Never know what to expect.
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!
oh my god what a witch from
oh my god what a witch from hell. I would said to her just make sure your husband is at the door with a red carpet to great me when I get there in my limo. tell her to kiss your ass...who the hell does she think she is Judge Judy!!!! I would go in my worst sweat pants and embarrass her the hell off....and still in those sweat pants you got her ex man. that's what's eating her up. screw her and since you didn't have the chance to say nothing back to her I would make her eat her comments....go over there and show her who's the boss.............
That would have been
That would have been awesome!!
"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!