Finances...together or separate?
What do you all think about finances in terms of money spent on skids..right now my BF pays his own CS and most of the clothes/toys/food bought for SS. I have only come into SS's life since March of this year. I don't mind chipping in sometimes for food and I do buy little toys every once in a while for him but to be honest I don't see myself going any further than that. I don't imagine paying for college (BF doesn't have any savings of that kind set up), his first car, sports lessons & gear, etc. What do all your spouses expect of you in this matter? My BF has said I can be involved as I want to, but I am leary that as time goes on, I'll be expected to give more...I hope this doesn't sound selfish but it's not like I'm loaded with money. I am young just out of university and self employed...
- emmalee05's blog
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Based on the fact that me
Based on the fact that me and DH's income is about the same, and we each have the same amount of children each, we each pay for our own children's needs. There are times where if I'm out shopping, I will pick up a pair of shoes, or an outfit for his children, there are times where if we go out to eat I will pay for all, and vice versa. As far as college goes, I am responsible for my children, and he is responsible for his. During Christmas or Birthdays, we each buy our own children's things but on the tags we put from the both of us.
Each family is different, and different things work for different families. You have to find what works best for you and your BF. I don't know that I would combine finances unless you guys were married first, and even then there are pros and cons for both combining and/or keeping things seperate.
“Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever.”
yes that sounds very smart
yes that sounds very smart and logical..but my BF is the one with a son right now...we have no bio kids together yet..but we do not have a joint account together or anything yet..but we do own our house jointly
Hey Emmalee
There's been a few discussions on this... I'll try to find it and paste the link on here so you can see a bunch of different responses... Just may take me a bit because I would need to go thru my history and I have to run out soon!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Sorry Emmalee
I couldn't find the blog, but I did see you get a lot of good responses here!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
yes i did! thanks anyways!
yes i did! thanks anyways!
I was always taught
That married people married finances. Put it all in one pot, set an "allowance" aside for each parent but all the expenses are in the budget and nothing is HIS or MINE anymore.
Like, my cell isn't my cell... it's one of OUR cell bills.
That's the only way to really make the partnership totally blended, IMO. But whatever works.
Amen to that...
I hate having him call me and ask what I bought at x or why I spent x on groceries...
I've started retaliating by calling and asking what he had for lunch at x every day. He's now backed off a bit
I agree with you on this: "Sometimes I think it is unfair that I have taken on the burdens of raising someone else's child, but that is what I chose to do."
Same here. We currently do not pay child support, either, since we're supposed to legally have SD9 50/50. (Long story) We'll be going to court in a few months & there's a chance that the 50/50 custody will end. If we lose & BM gets sole custody of SD9, we'll end up paying her child support, which I was so angered & upset by due to the circumstances behind all of this. But you know what? I gave it some thought & made peace with it. Yeah, it's going to hurt us to have to pay child support if that happens, BUT there are positive sides to this happening. And obviously it's my husband's duty to take care of his daughter. If he pays child support every month & BM spends it all on herself, there's not much we can do about it other than document it when SD9 does not have what she needs & BM is getting yet another tattoo or going on vacation AGAIN.
In my opinion, when two people get married finances should be an open book. If one partner is hiding something from another, something is wrong. I don't think either partner should quiz the other on expenses unless there's a real reason to (ie: an expensive purchase they can't afford, odd expenses that may mean cheating is going on, etc.). After we got married, all our accounts became joint. My checking account became our main account. My husband's checking account was initially left open because I like to balance the checkbook & he doesn't, so I figured he could still use his account for the ATM, gas, etc. BUT I have access to it & can transfer money if needed.
My uncle is married to a woman that hides finances from him. (They've been together for probably 20 years & she's about 13 years younger than him.) They have separate bank accounts, and I'm sure she has credit cards he doesn't know about. The house they live in is his & he pays most of the bills, despite the fact that he's currently unable to work due to health problems. She recently got laid off from her full-time job & now supposedly works part-time. (I think my uncle has suspicions that she's cheating on him.) She spends & spends like there's no tomorrow. I am convinced that she's a hoarder. Their 8-yr-old son sleeps on the couch because his room is too full of toys & clothes. They are embarrassed to invite people to their house. The few times I've been over there in recent years, I was only allowed in the living room, kitchen & bathroom, all of which are packed full of clutter. The rest of the house is kept closed up & no one is allowed to see what's behind closed doors. I can only imagine! My point is that sometimes when finances are kept hidden from each other, things get out of hand & then no one wants to ask questions that really need to be asked. If my aunt dies tomorrow, who knows what kind of debt my uncle will end up with. And when you're married, YOU are the one the bill collectors are going to come after if this happens. They don't give a crap about separate bank accounts & finances...
Just my two cents!
That's what
The "allowance" is for, SM... I guess the theory behind it is it's the same amount so both parties are equal.
Money is TOTALLY a huge stressor... that's what this principle is designed to eliminate. Who knows, my DH makes more than me and is always pushing back on the great equalizer. I have yet to put my foot down about it.
It really depends on the situation...
Since you've only been in this situation since March, I'd only contribute as much as you WANT to when it comes to his SS. The kid is not your responsibility. You say that you own a house together, so that makes things a little trickier. I'm thinking back to guys I've dated (without kids) that took advantage of me financially. In one particular case, the guy made about 3 times what I made & yet every week I was doing the grocery shopping & stocking HIS place with food. What a dumbass I was!!!
When I met my now-husband, he was having a lot of trouble financially. I felt bad for him, so I did occasionally buy some groceries & bought him things I felt he & the kids really needed. After we moved in together, we basically split all the bills. He was able to get a better job & pay off his debt while I took care of the kids after school. After we got married, we combined everything. All our bank accounts are joint. I'm pretty much in charge of finances, but I keep him up to date on our situation. There are no secrets on where the money goes. If SD9 needs something, it comes out of OUR money, not HIS. I couldn't imagine being married or in a long-term relationship & not combining finances. But for some people it works, so I'm not saying it's wrong!
Just yesterday
I opened up my very first bank account ever. I did it as a joint account with my BF. We've been living together for a year and I recently got a job so my contributions are still new. He does have an account set up separately for himself to pay CS and have a tiny bit extra to save our butts if we ever lose the other debit card to the joint account or something. I have access to both, but only contribute to the joint one.
There have been so many different ways that people do it that it's hard to say what's best, right or wrong. It's essential, however, that you have a good, honest talk with your BF about your hesitation towards contributing to his child. You have every right to feel like you don't want to and that shouldn't be something he'd get "mad" about. His kid, his responsibility. You can only do so much, and you do, as you are not a stingy hateful person, but the kid has both parents and both parents should be the ones taking care of what they made. Stand your ground on that, I say. If he does throw a hissy fit, first, bitch slap him back to reality and then ask nicely that if this situation was on HIS plate, would he feel similarly about contributing to YOUR child's expenses?
My BF thought I might have issues contributing to an account that pays for CS so when I brought it up, he had already thought it over. These men aren't dumb and money isn't easy to come by,with or without kids, so be straight forward and honest and make a plan that suits the best for you both. Always, always, always protect yourself first financially.
If you wish to give off light, you must endure the burning.
I can't even remember a time when
it was his money and my money. We combined bank accounts within the first few months of living together. Its what works for us, and we're both happy with it.
we each have our own accts
we each have our own accts and handle our own financial resposibility(my kids her kids needs)and has worked out very well.
we each have our own accts
we each have our own accts and handle our own financial resposibility(my kids her kids needs)and has worked out very well.
I completely get that a marriage is a shared responsibility. However, when there are skids and money involved, it could end up creating a very tense and resentful atmosphere. It's one thing to share mortgage, food expenses, utilities, car pmts, etc that you both share. However, you don't technically 'share' the skids. They are his/her kids and the BM/BD. What if both parents have kids from a previous marriage? What if your skid wants to go to law school, yet your own child wants to go to beauty school? HUGE different in tuition amounts. Would you be willing to spend an extra $80,000 on your skid, over and above what you spent on your own child? I just think that could cause a lot of resentment in the future.
I think this is why I'm on the opposite side of this discussion...I almost fell over when you mentioned the scenario of college tuition! I see your point, but there's no way in hell my husband would be paying that much money for SD9 if she chose to go to law school. I'm not saying he wouldn't pay it because of me, either, but because there is no way we could EVER afford to send any kid - his or ours - to a school that expensive. Not unless we win the lottery or something! The kid better start saving her pennies or hope that BM marries rich!
I realize it was just an example, but it struck a chord with me because how much money a couple makes has a lot to do with how they manage their finances. More than likely, the more money each partner makes, the more they are going to want to keep things separate & I get that. I really do. Especially if either or both had the money before they got together.
In my situation, my marriage, I don't foresee us ever having an abundance of money, so this never even crossed my mind!
I get that...
but it happened here, in a way. SS racked up $60,000 in college debt, in addition to SD's $20,000 school bills. We married and are now sharing the debt and trying to pay it off. IT WILL BE YEARS. And I now worry that when our son (soon to be 2 sons) will get to college age, will we have any money left for them? It's just not right. IMO, DH should be paying off SS's debt and I should be putting money away into a college fund for our 2. It infuriates me that I'm now stuck with that kind of debt, and I had no say-so in the decision! Not to mention that BM received child support for 7 years when they split and is paying NONE of the college fees. The last I remember, it takes 2 to make a baby. And SS makes good money now yet doesn't seem to care that we pay $500 a month toward his college loans while he is living a posh life. Pitiful.
See, I figured you were speaking from personal experience!
And it's really not a fair situation to be in at all. Your DH & BM should be in charge of paying off this debt. Or even you & DH, but WITH BM. It is completely unfair that she doesn't have to deal with this. And now that your SS is making good money, he should DEFINITELY pay whatever he can, if not take over this debt completely. This definitely says a lot about his integrity.
Oh, just thinking about this infuriates me, too!!!
thanks everyone for your
thanks everyone for your suggestions and personal experiences. i have thought a lot on this subject and i do think for the time being, and because Bf's son is not lacking financially that i shouldn't be involved in contributing to paing for his things. I am willing to on occasion buy him things but I just don't want it to feel like a burden. As it is, BF over indulges on him anyway and BM has child payments coming in from the government as well as CS so he's good for now. There have been times when SS would ask me ever so sweetly if I could buy him a toy at the toy store..and usually I stand my ground and say sorry not today buddy. He gets anyone and everyone around him to buy him useless toys anyway. This is slightly off topic so I'll start a new blog on it: Why does BF insist on buying his son useless toys, instead of books, puzzles, building blocks, craft supplies, etc. Please read this one!
didn't make the connection. But I already responded to that one. I agree - educational...check it out.
My DH and I have everything
My DH and I have everything joint. I can't imagine not having it this way, for us.... When we got married, I didn't have a "pot to piddle in". Nothing. Nada. He had a house with a lot of equity, car paid off, decent savings account, etc. He is very good with money and I'm not...because I never really had any!! We talked openly about EVERYTHING when we were first dating. He knew I wasn't coming into the relationship with money (or child support) and it didn't bother him one iota.
He doesn't pay CS per se since it's 50/50. BM pays for all the expenses (Daycare, Brownies (aka Girl Scouts for little kiddos), clothes, etc. She sends us a spreadsheet and we pay half if we agree with her numbers. If I get SD clothes, we deduct half from the amount we pay her.
I don't get any CS for DD13....after 10 years, ExH owes in excess of $65,000 and I'm sure I won't ever get one red cent of that. He has a warrant out for this, so it keeps him away and my DD can enjoy a normal life...he is a POS!!! DH and I pay for everything for DD13 and he has never had an issue with it.
Anyhoo, every couple is different and different things work for them. If he was handing out money to BM for BS things, I'm sure I would be ticked and I would speak my mind. I still would want joint accounts. I've always wanted to know how couples do it that have separate you split the grocery bill?...or do you buy your own food? Who pays for the movies--do you buy your own ticket? It just seems so confusing.....
I sooo envy how you all handle splitting all the skids expenses with BM like that!!! Good for you all for handling it like adults! I like that it's done very business-like. This is how I wish things could be with BM here. My husband & BM have had 50/50 custody since SD9 was about 2. But in no way, shape or form has BM ever "co-parented" with my husband. She's always dropped all the responsibilities on him, meanwhile she got to be the fun parent. Her idea of "co-parenting" is her telling him what to do & how to do it & him going along with it OR ELSE. It's nice to hear that some people actually do things civilly for the sake of their kids!
This was a tough one for me
I have one teen who lives with us and he has 3, count 'em, THREE teens who live with their mother. He is paying child support, plus extras like TRIPS TO EUROPE for all three, even though the oldest is already 18. He can't afford this. If we didn't live together, he would be living in a basement apartment with a t.v. and a lawn chair due to all of the money he has to send to his ex-wife's home. He was still paying spousal support nine years after they separated as well (I took care of that in a hurry).
Stick helped me reframe the picture: His money goes to him, me, my daughter, and his kids. My money goes to him, my daughter and me. I have no financial obligation to his children and refuse to contribute to them. If they actually (heaven forbid) lived with us, the story would be different.
So we do have joint accounts for common expenses, including expenses for the kid who lives here. We also have separate accounts for our own personal spending. I'm not resentful anymore.