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This is Odd...

emmalee05's picture

I just realized after reading someone's blog about how everyone seems to have a pyscho BM. Well in my case, the problem is my BF. I've met and talked with BM on several occasions. When she calls I pick up, not a problem at all there. She tells SS to listen to me, etc. All in all I think she and her husband are good people. The problem is my BF. I'm guessing he still has residual anger when dealing with BM and her husband. He says hes not mad anymore but still a little hurt at how BM and husband didn't allow him to see his son for 6 months, unless it was under their supervision, which he decided to not see his son at all so as to not adhere to their rules. He is the typical over indulgent dad that makes his visitations with his son feel like a circus. We are out the door early in the morning doing everything SS5 wants to do. He's also buying him toys and candy at every place we go to. When he comes over he leaves toys everywhere, scratches floors, dents the walls, frightens the puppy, doesn't eat, drinks only pop, makes huge messes, and worst of all doesn't listen (not sure if its ignoring or tuning me out). It drives me up the wall. So to deal with that, I've been disengaging. I've been doing my own thing in and around the house. We all go out together but I try to interact with him as little as I can. Of course when he talks to me I answer politely, when he asks me to do something I say sorry buddy, ask your dad. There are times when hes being nice that I talk to him a bit more, or teach him a little something. But then he goes back to his annoying little self and I stay away. I guess I'm just putting this out there to see if theres anyone in my situation where the problem is DH or BF and NOT BM.


Thetis's picture

You know what this used to be the case. Then my Dh got EOW and started asking me to do more with SD. So with doing more I told him there will be more rules. And just as I finally got him into following a routine, the queen of hell moves 5 hours away and ends up getting permission to take our angel, (the halo and wings are made from my tears and frustrations btw, not her dads lol)

Kb3Hooah's picture

How long has SS been back in BF's life since the supervised visits ended, and why did BM feel it was necessary for supervised visitation? Was this court ordered?

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”

Elaine's picture

I am in a situation similar to yours. I'm working on disengaging & am trying to see how that pans out. It wasn't what I originally wanted but it seems to be the only thing that could work. Good luck!!!