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Useless toys vs. educational toys

emmalee05's picture

What does everyone think about guilty parenting dads that buy only "cool toys" for their kids? my BF insists on buying the coolest toys (most expensive too) such as transformers, toy cars, airplanes, video games, etc, for his son and no books, board games,craft supplies, puzzles. I know men are like big kids themselves and I do remember my dad being the parent that always bought my sister and I the toys we wanted, whereas my mom would be the one that bought us books, colouring, etc. I would like my SS to spend more time playing with things that would contribute to his development and growth and to be honest if he spends all his time playing video games and little plastic figures, I don't see him learning much from those. But obviosuly my BF finds those really entertaining as well.


Amazed's picture

Seriously...if he wants to impress his kid and buy love then let him do it. I think it sucks when kids don't have books and crafts at home but then again I'm not a guilt mommy. my kid has a nintendo,ps3,ps2,and a bunch of other shit. Then he also has a room full of books,puzzles,boardgames,etc...

"I would like my SS to spend more time..." Will it hurt you if he doesn't learn much from the toys BF buys? I'd tell you to talk to BF about it and plead your case but I already know ahead of time the likelyhood of that being effective is pretty slim. Guilt daddys cannot be reasoned with and they do not compromise for the most part. Your best bet would be to either let ss go along his merry way with guilt daddy OR buy him some educational toys yourself if it bothers you that he doesn't have any.

Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha

emmalee05's picture

I care because he means something to me...its the same concern as if he were my own kid and his father was doing that to him too...i feel like my bf doesn't know any better. no it won't hurt me if he doesn't learn from his toys. but its just frustrating because i see this happening and can't say anything about it.

stepoff's picture

that the issue would come into play when the SS is older. The toys that he wants will only get more expensive. And if BF is 'guilt parenting' what will he do when SS says "Joey just got the coolest pair of $800 gym shoes. I want those! Or starts asking for large chunks of money or a $35,000 car? I think toys should be educational AND entertaining, and teach kids (especially young ones) about values. Besides, who wants a SS (or bio kid) to spend all their time on the couch playing video games and gaining 50 pounds? We buy some of each for our son.

ChaiLatte's picture

How are your SS's grades in school? Does his performance in school need to improve, or is he doing okay?

emmalee05's picture

Actually my SS has a learning disability (very mild) but it would still be very beneficial for him to expand his motor skills and be more interactive with his play time..he is 5 and in SK..but he does have frequent problems at school where his BM has to be called in at least once a i am BF seems to be oblivious though

Kb3Hooah's picture
