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young but wise's Blog

Easter Follow Up!!!

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Thank you to those who let me VENT without taking it out of context and trying to find "deeper meaning" to my problem. Being able to say what I needed to say, without bringing on a fight with SO, made it so I could still enjoy my Easter. I went to Easter brunch with my family and just DD and I. Then we came home and watched some tv before picking up SS. The 4 of us then went to SO's parents house. We ate, watched a movie and headed home. This was far from my normal Easter but I got to put all my problems with it behind me before it even started. I love my SO with all my heart.

Holiday stresses!!!! (RANT)

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SO and I have spent the entire week fighter over Easter! My family usually goes to an Easter Buffet so that no one person is responsible to host. This year we are going to HLL. My SO's previous employer. He got let go from HLL in July. He has not been back since. Now my family decided to have Easter there and he refuses to go. This makes me angry because this is our first Easter with OUR daughter. Which means: My first Easter as a mom, BD first Easter, My first Easter with a TIE to our family (I'm not just dad's SO), and Our first Easter as our family of 4!!!

blame me

young but wise's picture

For some reason, i have been stewing on a few things all night. I may regret saying this later, but most of my problems with SO and SK are my fault. I can't stay out of anything and i am a person who need to control everything in her life. Tonight i told SO that i am not going to do any disciplining and i found that the only way i can handle that is to either not be in the same room or be focusing on something else. My mom has DD tonight so i sat on my phone and watched Netflix just so that i didn't sick my nose in everything. I don't know how long i can do this but it is worth a try.

How to Keep a 5 year old clean

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So as I posted last week, BM decided to try to be a mom and get SS5 off to preschool. Her second time all year. Like I said before we had issues with lunch and winter gear. She wanted to pick out the picture outfit for pictures that day even though we told her that we already had bought a nice outfit for pictures. Whatever. Not a huge deal. I picked him up from school at 2:15. The teacher pulled me aside and told me the reason I had to run him up a lunch is because she sent one but it didn't contain appropriate stuff.

BM trying to be a mom but failed.

young but wise's picture

So BM decided to take SS5 yesterday at 6pm to go to some sort of bday dinner. Totally fine. She said she would drop him back off in the morning before shcool. At about 10pm she text SO and the convo went like this

BM "I think I will just drop him off at school instead. What time does he go? Like 10 right?"

SO "No he goes at 9:15. You can drop him off at school but you need to make sure he is dressed in nice clothes that fit because he has pictures tomorrow. You know what all you have to send?"

BM "Did you already pay for the retakes?"

SO issues

young but wise's picture

So as of right now, I work full time, and SO stays home with SS5 and DD5m. My problem is that i used to plan things with my friends and family or just me time while he was at work on weekends. It worked out well because we had the maximum amount of time together. Now that he is not working, i have no time for that! Every time I say i am going to do something i either get "do you have to? I really wanted to hang out with you" or "fine, but hurry up" or both. So i either don't do it or i don't have fun while i do it because I'm worried about how long i am gone.

which fight is the right fight?

young but wise's picture

As posted before, I have been having a really hard time with having to drive all the time. Today BM text SO and TOLD him that he could drop SS off at 330. SO asked her if she could since it is her day to do it and she hasn't in about 3 months. She text back saying, "I just told you to drop him off at 330, what don't you get about that? I call the shots, not you. My bf is sick and i don't feel good at all." So we dropped SS off. We get there and she isn't even there. She pulls in, and puts SS directly from our car into hers. SO says her thought she was sick.

DRIVING is driving me nuts!!!

young but wise's picture

When I first got into this, things were different. We had SS Sun at 5pm til Mon at 8 pm, and Wed at 8 am til Thurs 8 pm. We picked SS up on sunday and dropped him off on Monday, and BM dropped him off on Wed and picked him up on thursday. Fast foreward a few years and now we have SS Sun at noon, til Tuesday at 8pm, and Wednesday at 6am til friday at 2 pm, along with a few saturdays or longer fridays. We pick him up on sundays, drop him off on tues, and drop him off friday, BM only drops him off on wed on her way to work. Why can she not leave her house to pick up her own child.

Real quick

young but wise's picture

Sorry I really wanted to brag about SS5. When we found out we were going to have a baby, SO and I were very worried about how SS would take it. He has always been an only child in a split up home, therefore has always been EXTREMELY spoiled. He has a dozen people always watching him, playing with him, talking to him, buying things for him, and so on. At first he never wanted to talk about it. Then slowly he started bringing it up on his own. Now that she is 5 months old, I am so proud of the big brother that he is.

How do you get on the same page?

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I have a hard time when it comes to SS and discipline. SO and I are on completely different pages on almost everything. I told SS it was time to sit down with me and do homework so that he could play the rest of the night before bed. SO then tells him he doesn't have to do it now, just sometime before bed. SS was already putting up a fight over HW and I believe in getting it done before he plays so that there is no getting out of it or using it as a way to stay up late. He can play when he completes his HW (which only took 5 minutes mind you).
