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DRIVING is driving me nuts!!!

young but wise's picture

When I first got into this, things were different. We had SS Sun at 5pm til Mon at 8 pm, and Wed at 8 am til Thurs 8 pm. We picked SS up on sunday and dropped him off on Monday, and BM dropped him off on Wed and picked him up on thursday. Fast foreward a few years and now we have SS Sun at noon, til Tuesday at 8pm, and Wednesday at 6am til friday at 2 pm, along with a few saturdays or longer fridays. We pick him up on sundays, drop him off on tues, and drop him off friday, BM only drops him off on wed on her way to work. Why can she not leave her house to pick up her own child. we only live about 10 minutes away. We pay 600 a month in CS and we pay for preschool, but her excuse every time it is her time to drive is that she doesn't have money for gas. She says she owes us one and she will drop him off next time and that time never comes. I know this may seem petty compared to some of the issues i see on here but it really makes me resentful and frusturated.


Anne Boleyn's picture

We do all the driving too and our BM is 30 mins away. She says she doesn't need to assist because it is his visitation. I told him he should tell her that if she wants her kids back at the end of visitation that she needs to get them herself. He's afraid she just won't. Smile

It makes me nuts.

If he has to go back to court for any reason, I'ved asked him to address this issue with the judge and make her do her share. It's just not fair.

step off already's picture

Oh Gas Money! My favorite excuse!

We often offer BM extra time with her son as she only has EOWE and SS13 misses her and asks to go to her house which is an hour away. Unfortunately she is never willing to come pick him up because the poor thing doesn't have gas money.

Then he gets upset with us because we wont drive him or meet her half way (not that I'm sure she'd even consider the meeting halfway; as it's usually one of his ideas, not hers).

I feel so bad for this kid cuz he hangs on mom's every word, wants to believe her lies about her coming to see him, but she just doesn't follow through.

Jmom's picture

This schedule totally confused me! This is crazy. I also think they all use the gas money excuse! LOL

misSTEP's picture

I read it is in the child's best interest for the parent who is spending time with the child be the one to come GET the child (instead of leaving the child which can feed into abandonment issues).

When DH and BM went to court once, he tried to get this addressed. Before court but after she got the papers, she sold her brand new car so she could tell the judge that she had no way of transporting the skids., how do you get groceries or take them to the doctor??

young but wise's picture

Yep finally g going to be porting it in a court order when we get one. I feel it should always be a child PICK UP. Them it is guaranteed to be 50_50, and that way, if you don't have gas money in your budget, its your problem that you don't get to see him, maybe next time it will be in the budget. Not to mention, half of the reason wee get him Tuesdays, is because she doesn't wasn't to have to bring him to preschool