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Real quick

young but wise's picture

Sorry I really wanted to brag about SS5. When we found out we were going to have a baby, SO and I were very worried about how SS would take it. He has always been an only child in a split up home, therefore has always been EXTREMELY spoiled. He has a dozen people always watching him, playing with him, talking to him, buying things for him, and so on. At first he never wanted to talk about it. Then slowly he started bringing it up on his own. Now that she is 5 months old, I am so proud of the big brother that he is. He wants to include her in everything, will be the first one every morning to tell her good morning, makes sure she always has a blanket and paci near by, makes sure we cover her eyes if a scary part comes on tv. EVERYTHING he does with/for her is amazing to watch. He tries to teach her everything about Star Wars and spongebob. The other night I decided that I would sleep in her room with her while we were transitioning into her crib. I figured it would give SS and SO some quality time together and SS could sleep with dad that night. We told SS about this and his only comment was "SM, you and BD can sleep in here too. There is room and we can bring my mattress in here" It was adorable. I told him that I thought it would be fun for him and dad to have some BOY time and he just looks at me and says "its ok, we can have a little GIRL time too!" I could not have pictured a better big brother. Is this normal or rare?


step off already's picture

What a little sweetie. You're lucky.

My SS13 freaked out when we told him he was going to have a baby sister and he told us he wan't going to love "it" and that it wasn't really his sister and it wasn't his blood.

(Can you say, BM Influence?)

Lalena75's picture

That's so wonderfully adorable, my f2f was like that with her baby brother it was so awesome. You'll probably get issues later but likely normal sibling stuff just remind him as the big brother he's got to watch her back and protect her when you and dad aren't there to do it.