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I'm so thankful and feeling guilty about it

weekendwidow's picture

SS17 is out of the picture. Maybe for good. Smile He can't live by our rules so he's with BM who has no rules. SHe lets a punk kid stay out all night, drink, smoke weed and even bought him a new car. Life at my house is wonderful. At the beginning of the summer, I dreaded the thoughts of having SS here at all...we were threatened that he would be spending the summer with us and the mere thought of that gave me diarrhea - almost. Now he's gone and I haven't seen him since the end of May! Yippee

Fast forward to a few weeks ago when SS21 was supposed to meet DH for breakfast. SHe blew him off and never showed, never called just stood him up. SHe's been playing with her daddy for years and this is just another fine example of "Eff you, dad. I got the money I need from you and I don't need you anymore. Until, I need more money or my car is broken or my husband pushes me around again, don't call me, I'll call you."

I am so sick of that little "C" word. SHe's actually offended that my husband is upset with her for standing him up. What friggin nerve she has. SHe actually said to him, "you're taking this too personally". Really? What is your major malfunction? This is the 3rd time in 3 months you ditched your dad. Bitch. I can't stand you!

So last night, DH said he called her and left a Vmail - she won't answer the phone - and said "Are we going to reschedule or what?" He hasn't heard boo from her. He said if she continues to be angry about him being hurt by her actions, he will tell her she's an asshole and he doesn't want assholes in his life. SHe can treat him differently or stay away. Fingers are crossed.

I am hoping she's still angry so she stays the hell out of our lives. Life has been so peaceful with just my bios and my DH. Having the skids absent has been pure heaven. Is it wrong to feel like this? I'm feeling guilty that I'm taking pleasure in all of this while my DH is mourning the loss of those bratty young "adults" with whom he shares DNA.

At least my summer has been peaceful.....