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So much has changed

weekendwidow's picture

I don't even know where to begin. So much has happened and I don't know how to feel about all of it.

SS17 lost his driving privileges and his vehicle for smoking weed and driving drunk. DH was pussy footing around about all of that, but finally came to the conclusion it's about safety and pulled the plug. SS17 was also removed from our auto insurance because of this behavior.

SS17 clearly was pissed and blamed everyone else but himself. He told his dad to bug off. DH (through marriage counseling with a "step" expert) told his son that he has an addiction issue problem since he chose drugs & alcohol over driving his own vehicle. DH insisted that in order for SS17 to get those privileges restored, he needed go into counseling himself. If SS17 didn't agree, then DH will have to step away and not be a part of this self destructive behavior. It was an intervention of sorts.

Well, BM steps her fat face in here and says SS17 doesn't have a problem and we should just give him his vehicle back. We're being unreasonable blah blah blah. Meanwhile, the alcoholic cow is dating (the 4th guy in 4 years) a convicted felon who doesn't have a license for the next year because of a DUI. NICE! We come to learn that that stupid bitch decided to buy a new car for SS17 - even though he's high and irresponsible. I doubt seriously that she added him to her insurance. Not my problem. We can't believe that she is so effing stupid. Then again...

Anyway, SS17 was given a choice he chose poorly and walked out of DH's life. This was 2 months ago. SD21 is getting involved and also thinks we are being harsh and "feels sorry" for her poor brother. Meanwhile, I'm certain she supplies her brother with booze at the very least. SD21 has been a total mini BM since I met her and a total bitch to me and my kids and also to DH since he met me.

SD21 is a brat and unless her dad bends over backwards for her, she doesn't want anything to do with him...until she needs money. SHe is married (to a complete asshole) and this POS doesn't work. She goes to college full time and keeps coming to daddy for money - and he gives in out of guilt. SHe kisses is ass and gets thousands of dollars from daddy. THen she blows him off for awhile until she needs $$ again. This is the pattern. She was kissing his ass for weeks, and I warned him the money request was coming. It did. He forked over 5K, she kissed some more ass for a time. Then, blew her off and stood him up several times when they were supposed to meet. SHe even had the nerve to get pissed off at DH that he was upset with her for standing him up for a breakfast date last SUnday. SHe is such a "C" word.

I am so proud of my DH for telling her off and not groveling after her. He isn't groveling after SS17 either. Our marriage counselor said walk away from both of them. You need to teach them that it is NOT ok for them to treat you or your wife like shit and it won't be tolerated. If they want to be treated better, they need to act better. LOVE LOVE LOVE this counselor!

I'm so relieved to be rid of SS17 SS21. SS17 no longer comes to the house for weekend visits. SD21 hasn't been around in months. DH and I are having the best time not arguing or being stressed out. It's pure joy. I mentioned this in a counseling session and said I feel guilty for being so relieved and our counselor said...yes, that's normal but stop it because mean, disrespectful people are out of your life and you should be happy. They treated you like crap for years and now they are gone. Enjoy it! Did I say I loved our counselor.

SHe told DH that our contentment does come with a price...the loss of his kids. DH said, I lost them a long time ago and if they wasn to be assholes, I don't want to be around them anyway.

WHAT A FRIGGIN CHANGE OF SCENERY! So to everyone reading this...there are peaceful moments. I don't know how long this arrangement will continue. Truthfully, I hope they stay away forever. I can't stand either one of them and neither can anyone in my family. My parents, my brother, my sister, my kids. We all think they are complete shit and THEY'RE GONE!! Even so, I feel badly for my husband. He deserves better kids.


hereiam's picture

My husband deserves better kids, also. Luckily, he's never really had the extra money to throw at them, so I never had to sit back and watch that wastefulness.

I'm glad your DH is seeing the light.

weekendwidow's picture

SS17 will be 18 in 4 months. It'll take that long to go through the courts. We've already discussed this, believe you me. Until, we're just praying. DH didn't sign anything, SS17 is not driving any of our vehicles and he's not on our insurance so I think we are in the clear

weekendwidow's picture

UGH - sorry for you and your DH. It truly is a bittersweet thing. I'm so happy for me and sad for DH. Hopefully, it will get easier on our DHs in short order. Smile

Enjoy your peace and happiness, too!

weekendwidow's picture

If SS17 and SD21 ever grow up and want to have a relationship with their dad, it'll be w/o me. I'm done. 4 years of trying is more than enough. Count me out.