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violetforest's Blog

No show for Thanksgiving pickup

violetforest's picture

Well just as in the past BM did not show up to pick up ss16 for Thanksgiving holiday weekend. BF did not get any notice from her that she was not going to pick him up and we did not know that ss16 had spoke with her about staying part of the weekend to go to his wresting match until she didn't show up. She claimed something about him using her, for what we dont know, it is not like she does anything for him or buys him anything that he will be allowed to "use" at our house. He has to keep everthing that she gets him at her house.

GAL states that ss14 who has been unable to do visitation for almost 3 years now has Parental alienation

violetforest's picture

So now what. Hubby has not seen ss14 since June, right after the stipulation order was put into place. Doesnt matter what hubby does, ss14 will not return phone calls or text messages. The last time that we attempted to pick him up, his phone was turned off and his grandparents physically blocked the driveway with a truck, refused to answer the cell phones and home phone. When we called law enforcement to document, GP's accused hubby of being drunk that why they would not let him go. "blew nothing" but of course by then there were other excuses.

How would you handle telling the kids the "real" facts about a deceased parent

violetforest's picture

I am both a bm and a step parent. The situation involves my bio child but could end up happening with any child. bf of my bio kids passed away around 6 years ago. Prior to that the children had visitation with him every other weekend for around a 9 month period of time and prior to that he had supervised visits with a third party present and for about a 1 1/2 years the oldest child did not visit him at all after an altercation between the two in which law enforcement was involved.

cell phone disconnected now - surprise!

violetforest's picture

Well here is bm's latest trick, per the new order bf is to contact ss13 by cell phone to make arrangements for visits where he lives and to speak with him in order to increase communication between the two.

GAL's newest attempt has been a huge failure!!! Surprise, not really. BM is to keep ss13's phone expenses, he lives with her primarily and bf is to keep ss16's phone expenses, he lives with us primarily - this way each parent can communicate with each child.

feeling sorry for myself

violetforest's picture

I have just about had it. I know that with the accident I am not feeling well and also that things are going to bother me more right now. BUT I can not understand how any of us as stepparents can continue to be forced to live under some situations. In our situation the GAL wants to see what ss13 and bm will do if I am not engaged with any of the visitation at all. No contact allowed at all including cell, email etc. I raised this little boy for 6 years before bm decided that she was going to become "MOM of the year".

GAL has bf attempting contact with ss and requesting to see him on his day's off

violetforest's picture

so hubby left messages for ss on monday and thursday requesting to have ss call him, i love you and requesting to set up a time during his 3 days off to spend time with ss.

The GAL was out all week and did not set up anything prior to her week of vacation so now bf has not seen ss for another week and there has been no communication.

refusing the 4th

violetforest's picture

How have the rest of you dealt with bm's refusing vistiation against the court order.

BF was told by the GAL to contact ss by cell phone to begin to gain some trust in the relationship and to take what ever time is available with ss.

Sounds okay if Bm does not interfer but of course that continues.
