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No show for Thanksgiving pickup

violetforest's picture

Well just as in the past BM did not show up to pick up ss16 for Thanksgiving holiday weekend. BF did not get any notice from her that she was not going to pick him up and we did not know that ss16 had spoke with her about staying part of the weekend to go to his wresting match until she didn't show up. She claimed something about him using her, for what we dont know, it is not like she does anything for him or buys him anything that he will be allowed to "use" at our house. He has to keep everthing that she gets him at her house. In the past she has even made the kids leave thier birthday presents at her house even though they live with us primarily and only went to see her everyother weekend. She has the chance for more but never took it. Makes you sick that she treats ss16 like this but yet ss14 has been diagnosed with PAS and has not been allowed by BM to see the family for almost a year now coming up in January.

I sure hope that things change when court comes up, hate seeing the boys being played against one another.