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GAL states that ss14 who has been unable to do visitation for almost 3 years now has Parental alienation

violetforest's picture

So now what. Hubby has not seen ss14 since June, right after the stipulation order was put into place. Doesnt matter what hubby does, ss14 will not return phone calls or text messages. The last time that we attempted to pick him up, his phone was turned off and his grandparents physically blocked the driveway with a truck, refused to answer the cell phones and home phone. When we called law enforcement to document, GP's accused hubby of being drunk that why they would not let him go. "blew nothing" but of course by then there were other excuses.
so tired of this bull shit. attorney asked for a timeline of refusals, therapy etc. It ended up being 33 pages of one liner denials.
such as
Oct. 4th GP's interferre with police and EMS request to transport ss16 to the hospital
Oct. 5th GP's do not contact BF to report accident.
Oct. 8th BM refused to answer text message to confirm that ss14 is at the GP's home for transport.
0ct. 8th BM not home when arriving after the 1 1/2 hour drive to pick up ss14 for visitation.
Oct 8th BF called GAL reported incident, GAL calls BM setup new pickup.
Oct. 8th BF shows up for transport, BM claims that BF is not at McD. and she is leaving. BF sends a picture text to GAL confirming that he is standing with the manager at the designated time. no show.

AND the GAL doesn't know what she can do about it. She doesn't want to remove ss14 because he is integrated into the school system. what!!!!!!!!! BF has not seen his son for more than a hand full of days over the past several years and after spending thousands on attorneys, we aren't going to do anything. You have to be shitting me. aggggghhhhh


SusiQ's picture

I'm so sorry to hear all this. We basically went thru the same thing - show up, no child, no visitation, police called, nothing ever happened. It's so frustrating. DH hopes that someday the skids realize that he did try to be a part of their lives.

skylarksms's picture

I sympathize for you in your position. We cannot get SD to visit or return texts or emails either. And not sure why. When we visited her in the hospital, she cried and said that she didn't think we'd come.

I don't have any advice, just hope for you - as for us - that eventually they will see the truth.

violetforest's picture

A hearing is set for just after the holiday's of course, took us 4 months to get a court date which to me is bullshit. If I waited that long to get my job done i would be fired. Guess we dont get to see ss14 for the holidays or hunting again.

BF talked to the attorney again today and we have already gone through the process of attempts, we had asked for the court to follow up on the periods of visitation for follow through this summer back in June. BM after that made up some new alligations, funny how the only time a new "problem" comes up is right when we are headed back to court. Each time we have a period of visitation there is a problem with getting access to ss14, I do have to say that it is actually gotten to the point that bm is having to get quite creative with her accusations and lies. She can't even keep her lies straight. Ex. told the us at the legal meeting that she did not have text message, well BF, always follows up his calls to ss14 to BM by forwarding the text message to her. I suggested that BF send a request to know where ss14 was in the middle of the forwarded emails to see what BM would do. Guess what, she has text messaging. Surprise surprise. She refused to tell us where he was but told us to stop playing games and to not involve her because it was ss14 who was refusing and how do we expect her to make him mind, he is 14.

By the way one of your points was to save the pages and logs.... HINT for all of you, my ex-husband passed away and after he died I had a big fire in the back yard and burned all of the notes and divorce papers, wrong thing to do. Even though I had full custody of all four of my children and they had all lived with me their whole lives my ex inlaws when he passed away attempted to get half placement 3 days after he died. There were so many things that I could have used to make things easier in court. By the way, kids are still all with me and are doing very well.