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Needing some advice

stressed1's picture

For those of you that know my situation, I could use some advice or even your opinion on how you would handle it.
I keep thinking about my conversation with the officer that deals with juveniles. I didn't realize it at the time but, she told me they couldn't remove him from our household and all she could do was refer him to counseling if he wasn't in the system. Now, idk if she would be willing to push his case through just because I ask her to. DH is agreeing with me on everything, and will give consent if he needs to. Basically putting him in the system means he will have a juvenile record and will have to go in front of the judge. Since he's with BM now I am hoping the court would hold her responsible for Getting SS to court. I know that unless it is court ordered BM will do nothing about his behavior, he will get worse and sooner or later he will end up trying to come back here. The court could order everything he needs and hopefully the judge would see that BM needs some sort of parenting classes or something. I honestly worry that SS will do something to harm my DD's just to hurt me. In spite of all the positive things that could stem from this, I am worried SS may continue his lies and find someone that will believe him. He lies very well and will maintain the lie for months. How much is the court going to be involved in my household? We have nothing to hide and haven't done anything wrong but, that doesn't mean they won't disrupt my family life even more. What would you do if you were in my situation? Has anyone ever had to get their SS/SD into the juvenile court system?


stressed1's picture

I wish it were that easy. I have a disease that is attacking my muscles and my nervous system. Also a nervous system disorder that affects my spine. I get weak for no reason and fall. I have tremors in my hands & arms quite often that are so bad that it's almost impossible to do anything until it subsides. I am not a stay at home mom by choice. I am a cosmetologist and a photographer but, I can't do either of those now. I was also a sophomore in college until my disease started to progress. I'm sure I would qualify for disability but, that doesn't really help me at the moment.

WTF...REALLY's picture

I posted some sites on your other blog yesterday . Call them, see what they have to say.