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stepsonhatesme's Blog

I so LOVE Karma.....

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Well, as you know mySS19 was back in jail. He is out. Actually he got out Monday. One of the first places he comes, HERE. I was at work, and had to drive past our house. I noticed that my H truck wasn't there.(At this time I didnt know SS was out yet).
When I got home from work I asked H where he had went. Thought maybe grocery shopping or paying bills....Yes he actually does these things without me. Smile

Health Insurance ????? HELP

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My kids have been on the state medical for IDK it seems like forever. Now the state changes it rules and counts StepParents income. WTH!! Anyway, my DH makes to much so now my kids have no medical insurance. His insurance policy does NOT cover stepkids. The only way his ins. would cover them is if he were to adopt them. But BS is almost 18 and BD is 16 but it would cost us almost $1000 just for him to adopt her.
My BS is ADHD and ODD, his meds would cost us out of pocket well over $1600 a MONTH!!! There is no way we can afford that.

MMM and SS and BS and GRANNY Oh my!!! Part 2

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I think my granny has completely lost it! She called me this morning at work to BITCH at me about my DD19 not getting her Depo shot. (she couldnt get it b/c her insurance lapsed. But she will have it back in August). She can get it then. Granny was saying that DH and I have to pay for her to get it NOW ($113 for shot). I told her NO. DD19 is a grownup with a job and her insurance will kick back in next month. She proceeded to yell at me about if DD19 gets prego that it will be my fault and my problem to deal with. NOT HERS!!! LOL

MMM and SS and BS and GRANNY Oh my!!! Part 1

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Well, lets start with SS19. He is back in jail AGAIN, due to not paying his court fees. DH and I read it in Sat. paper. We are not worried or really care, as he brought this on himself, so he can deal with the punishment.
Sunday late morning MMM sent DH a FB PM (not he is not friends with her on FB).
She had the following to say:

Update: I found out that BS

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Update: I found out that BS couldnt have been babysitting his 1/2 brothers. Mel (XH 3BM) hasnt seen or had the boys in well over 1 month. And the house that he was at is not Mel mom OR grandma's house. So now I have to figure out who's house it is and who he was babysitting for.
And I need to make sure BS and BD do not go around BM3 (mel) b/c she is into drugs and hang with some really shady people.

UPDATE: Bio Son is bad for my health...

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Well, yesterday I went to counseling with BS. I guess the whole reason I had to go was because V (the counselor) was getting conflicting stories from the PO and from my BS. Well, I answered any and all questions she had for me. I also let her in on some little facts, like my BS isnt taking his meds (court ordered), he isnt listening to me (court ordered), he constantly lies to me and anyone else close to him who wants to help him. (aka.. my DH, my grandparents,other family members and even some of his now xfriends)

Bio Daughter....and her b/f

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My BD b/f came and talked to me yesterday. He asked for my daughter's hand in marriage. I told him I would agree, IF they would wait at least another year , if not another 4. As he is leaving for college this fall. They have been together for over a year.
He is a really good guy. He works hard, full scholership to college, keeps his word when he says something. He respects her. (and he fears a good way)
My daughter text me tonight that they set a date.And she ask me if it was ok. He has NOT gotten a ring or anything yet.He is having me go help him find her one.
