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Bio Son is bad for my health...

stepsonhatesme's picture

I have some to the conclusion that my BS is bad for my health. I have now been put on high blood pressure meds. My BP goes up sky high when my BS comes back around. Yes he is still only 17.
On 7-3 he stayed the night with my mom. From 7-4 thru 7-13 he stayed at his friends house. (No he never asked to stay he only texted me and TOLD me he was staying) anyway, I finally contacted his PO and told him that he needed to come home. He came home this past Thurs. My BP went thru the roof, I almost had to go to the ER. I got a massive migraine too. He spent Thurs night here. Fri. all day he hung out with his g/f, that night he stayed with my granny. Saturday, he came back here he made a comment about Jan 22 (day before his b-day)packing all his clothes. And on his b-day at midnight he was leaving. Well, I asked him, why he made that comment. He said that I dont really want him here anyway. I was like "really?" But it ended with him yelling and bitching at me telling me that he doesnt have to take his meds, and that his counselor, the courts, his po and I are all "completely stupid"
I didnt let him puch my buttons. But better I walked away. He ended up spending Sat night at my granny and last night too. He hands with friends all day and stays at grannys at night.
After the arugement with him, my BP went up to 186/143!! So not good.

I am scheduled to go with him to see his counselor tomorrow morning at 11 am. Im going to let her in on EVERYTHING!

(He only has 190 days till he turns 18!)


realitycheckmom's picture

Can you keep your blood pressure down til then? You may not survive.

stepsonhatesme's picture

Im on BP meds, but when he comes around it still goes up. I can take my BP when he is here and then take it shortly after he leaves and it drops right back to normal.

stepsonhatesme's picture

I know its not safe, but I dont know what else do to. And dont suggest he stay with his BD, (my x only has supervised visits).

wiki's picture

This becomes more pronounced as the dog ages. Sometimes a dog's need for medical care shows clearly. Sometimes, however, symptoms don't seem obvious and the dog's health problem remains undetected. Not all dog owners pay close attention if their dog has an unpleasant odor, but they should. A bad smell can serve as a signal that a dog has health issues that need veterinary attention. Thanks for sharing information.
ipc athletics

stepsonhatesme's picture

To top it all off, he's been telling other people including my YD, that he is dropping out of school when he turns 18.

stepsonhatesme's picture

Cant I still be held responsible for him since he's a minor? I mean cant I get in trouble for putting him out? Im going to tell his couselor everything and I know she will tell him PO.I will also send PO an email. Maybe they will put him into DH or something.I've already disengaged as much as possible, the only thing I do is ...Mmm well I guess I dont really do ANYTHING for him. I dont cook, do laundry, take him to work, nothing at all. Not buying him school clothes, not paying his phone bill.

I guess I just have to wait until tomorrow. I will give an update tomorrow.

giveitago's picture

What are the laws on emancipating kids where you are? Let him go to hell and back all by his little self!

stepsonhatesme's picture

UPDATE: Went to counseling this morning....Counselor messed up and scheduled my BS for a time when she already had a meeting. So I re-scheduled for tomorrow at 1 pm. Which means I have to go into work 2 hrs early to get off 2 hrs early. Take my BD to work before I go back out there (counseling) with BS.