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StepOnMe101's Blog

Husband ruined my first Thanksgiving

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My 2-year-old-tantrum throwing 32 year old husband ruined the first Thanksgiving dinner I ever hosted in my home with 16 guests. I am mortified to the point of going and filing for divorce Monday morning. We have been together 7 years, married for a year and a half. I feel like I have so much to say about the current status of our relationship I dont even know where to start. Todays Thanksgiving blow out (they have been happening more and more frequently lately) began last night.

This life is becoming too exhausting...:(

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I feel like every day that goes by is the more I resent my whole situation. My step daughter gets brattier by the day (turns 9 in 3 weeks) and I'm finding it harder and harder to deal with her. Just her being here changes my whole mood. Her whiny voice calling for her Daddy drives me insane. She thinks she can boss us around and she has such an attitude. I can't imagine acting this way when I was 9. She thinks she is an adult and can make the same decisions we do or tell me how to do things. My husband gets annoyed with her antics too, but he lets her get away with things too easily.

Wedding weekend...not even happy

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I'll recap my weekend until now. Thursday my husband and I (we married last may but had our wedding just this past weekend)were packing our things for the weekend away and decided since we hadn't gotten anniversary gifts we would go together today, Monday, on our last day off before work. Friday we wake up and I leave in the morning to head to the resort to meet up with my family that had flown in and visit with them along with my wedding party as we were rehearsing that night. My husband was to pick SDalmost9 up from her Mom around 5pm and his parents would come later that night to join.

pissed off

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SD woke us up about 15 Times last night n now this morning my husband is calling out of work FOR THE THIRD DAY IN A ROW to stay home with her. Can we afford it? No. I'm pissed that I lost just as much sleep but he gets to use her as an excuse to not work. She has stomach issues when she eats certain foods, she,had fried chicken last night, so sure let's miss work n school again ..ughhhh I'm just tired n SOME people can't call out every effing day!!!! I hate having a step seriously makes me reconsider having my own

Resent that I am full of resentment

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Every day is a inner battle with the resentment I feel. I hate that these people that I've had to accept into my life in order to be with my husband cause me such stress and unhappiness. It feels like it is just not fair that in order to be with the man I love, I must struggle with this for probably the rest of my life. The worst is of course the BM. Next would be the MIL and SIL, and then my step daughter. She is easiest to deal with because after all she is a kid and I shouldnt hold anything against her but even she is too much to handle a lot of the time.


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It's the same thing every week now....SD annoys me so badly I can't wait for her to leave and I wish the days away. She whines and complains more than she is happy anymore. She thinks she knows it all and when she doesn't get what she wants whine whine whine. GOD help me!! I wouldn't mind wishing away the next 10 years!!! SAD!!!!

SO damn annoyed...cant wait til she goes to BMs this weekend

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I am pissed. My husband insists we make special meals the 4 or 5 nights per week SDalmost9 is with us because she barely eats anything as it is. We stick to the meals we know she likes to avoid a problem..whatever. I like one or two of the 5 or 6 repetitve meals we have but I just deal with it. SD has slowly began the "I dont like it anymore" thing and now when we are cooking her "special" meals she isnt even eating them. Tonight I made one of the dinners she likes...that Im not spectacularly fond of..and guess what she doesnt like it anymore.

god help me.....

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My blood is just boiling today. SD almost 9 is being her bratty demanding obnoxious ungrateful self and I just wish she would disappear right now. I hate that she can get under my skin this way. I try and try to accept it and stay calm but it just gets to this boiling point and I want to SSCCRREEAAMM!!!!! She won't leave us alone for a Damn second...constant 100% attention....drives me freakin NUTS!!!!! AND oh joy, hubby decided he wants to keep her an extra night this week and tells her so before I even know..about it ..wonderful....!!!!

OT----In love, or just love????

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How do you know if you are still "in love" or just "love" your husband? Ive been thinking about this a lot lately. Obviously I know its normal for passion to die down after years of being with someone........but I find myself not even leaning over for a kiss or every saying goodnight to my husband before turning over to go to sleep some nights. I don't get a "loving" feeling when we have sex ---I wont even call it "making love"--because it feels icky to me to even say that but I dont think that is anything new...Ive never liked that term. ??

My SD is turning into a brat ...:(

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She has always been spoiled, but now she is outwardly just acting like know it all brat. She just came home from her Moms today and I literally cringed when she walked in the door because her first sentence was "Eww I don't like that and I don't like those" Referring to my new curtains and pillow cases. REALLY SD because I DON'T LIKE that you are even here right now. She comes from her Moms with this nasty attitude. But really just in general she has this attitude almost all of the time. She literally thinks she is an adult and it annoys the crap out of me.
