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god help me.....

StepOnMe101's picture

My blood is just boiling today. SD almost 9 is being her bratty demanding obnoxious ungrateful self and I just wish she would disappear right now. I hate that she can get under my skin this way. I try and try to accept it and stay calm but it just gets to this boiling point and I want to SSCCRREEAAMM!!!!! She won't leave us alone for a Damn second...constant 100% attention....drives me freakin NUTS!!!!! AND oh joy, hubby decided he wants to keep her an extra night this week and tells her so before I even know..about it ..wonderful....!!!!


bi's picture

i feel for you. the good news is that eventually the damn visits end. i know it's so hard to look that far into the future, but it will come. sd19 was like that, too. constantly "dad, Dad, DAD, hey dad, DAD guess what? DAD DAD DAD!" seriously, it never ended. and anytime he was out of her sight "where's my dad?????" said in complete panic like because she couldn't see him, he must have been sucked into a black hole and would never be coming back. standing outside the bathroom door while he was in there "are you pooping, dad?" this kid was a teenager, not a toddler. and she still acted like that.

my favorite thing would be when she was mad at bm and would get here on her weekend, and instead of a hello, i got "i'm probably going to be moving in here". EXCUSE ME? i think i deserve better than to just be told by a kid what is going to happen in MY home. then my worst nightmare came true and she did move in for a year. worst year of my life. we didn't get an eowe break from her cuz bm ran off with some loser. so i got to deal with her every single day. not even school was a reprieve from her because she skipped all the time, with fdh's blessing.