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pissed off

StepOnMe101's picture

SD woke us up about 15 Times last night n now this morning my husband is calling out of work FOR THE THIRD DAY IN A ROW to stay home with her. Can we afford it? No. I'm pissed that I lost just as much sleep but he gets to use her as an excuse to not work. She has stomach issues when she eats certain foods, she,had fried chicken last night, so sure let's miss work n school again ..ughhhh I'm just tired n SOME people can't call out every effing day!!!! I hate having a step seriously makes me reconsider having my own


dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

trust me, having your own is waaaaaay different. when bd5 was sick with a flu a couple weeks ago, having her home from school didnt bother me at all. because u dislike your stepdaughter is the reason u are upset about this.

giveitago's picture

The simple solution, unless this is a first time reaction, is for DH, or whoever, to stop feeding her foods she reacts to, surely? Three days he's done this? Then, next time she asks for something just tell her that it cannot happen because daddy lost money for three days while she was sick. How old is she?
I would not be put off having my own kids because of someone else's though. You are the one there from the get go with them and raising them for the most part, if you were not there for SD's formative years then that's a problem a lot of us have to deal with. We cannot undo what's done, we can only try to minimise the impact on us personally.

DaizyDuke's picture

She's 15... why does he need to stay home with her, when he knows exactly what's wrong with her? She ate crap she shouldn't have eaten, now she's going to pay with a belly ache and some extra trips to the bathroom... what is it that he needs to stay home for??

DaizyDuke's picture

Oh sorry, read that wrong... Ok, 8 years old is a different story.

But the bottom line is why did DH let the kid who has been home from school for 2 days with a belly ache have fried chicken for dinner to begin with? Isn't normal belly ache food crackers, toast and such? Definately not the sharpest tool in the shed.

StarStuff's picture

Well then, I guess DH should make sure she doesn't eat foods that upset her stomach. Problem solved.

And I've also questioned whether I want children of my own due to SD, but then realized they would be MY kids that I would mold into what I wanted them to be. No stinky BM to mess things up with my own kids.