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Step mad's Blog

Friday night

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please tell me I'm not the only one that is going through this. Ss 15, is now I'm really fighting the point of having friends sleepover. I think it's because he's such a control freak that he needs them to come over so he can control them. he does all he can to control his mot, to a point where anything she says is always the wrong thing. no matter what it is. here it is Friday night and he is angry because no friends are going to spend the night. one of his friends told me that all he does is sit and watch ss 15 play video games.

Sat Party

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well here's another complaint about what's to come this weekend, my Bw just informed me that there is a party coming up this Saturday at 2 , in the afternoon it is a friend of SS15, and we happen to know the parents of the friend.They are nice people but that's not the Problem, the problem is I really don't feel like being around 15 snotty teenagers with attitudes, while eating carrots and drinking bottled water. if we were still drinking beer I would probably have a good time but not with bottle water,bw thinks that I am going to go but I have news for her.

chores part 2

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When ss15 was not in any sports or after school programs, it was the same uphill battle to get him to do one or two of the jobs around the house. now that he is in track he uses that excuse that he is so tired, and bw backs him on this I think that's what drives me the craziest, so I just leave the dishes until they eventually get loaded our unloaded. sometimes I'm at my wits end.

Choirs? What choirs?

Step mad's picture

As I drive down the street on my way home from work and pull up into my drive I am reminded of how little ss15 does around the house. One of his two jobs is to bring up the trash cans, he has accomplished this amazing feat one time in his career. I just do it my self because the last time he was told to do it by his mom. he came down stairs and stood for an hour tormenting the dogs along with his mother, and driving me nuts!!.

closing ceremonies

Step mad's picture

We are watching Olympic closing ceremonies, with ss15, he decided to take a break from 4 straight hours of video games, he is letting us know how it is about being a good Athelete, and every thing else under the sun. He is so smart,(D-average ). I like it better when he plays video games in his room.

Friday night

Step mad's picture

Friday nights are usually tough because ss15 has a friend over , that leads to a sleep over, I finally got him and his friends to stay quiet when BW and I go to bed. The best Friday nights are when he stays at a friends. I think even BW in some strange way relaxes more. I just wanted to share that.


Step mad's picture

, :? I can't reset my password, I have to keep going though the reset steps just to blog, any one else have this problem?.

working at it

Step mad's picture

Just need some advise, as we all know our teens know more than we do. Biggrin . My ss15 is no exception. his knowledge of the universe and all that's in it is amazing!!!!!.ha ha, I've already become used to all the advice that we get from him. Should I say anything to stop him from constantly correcting his mother every time she says two words. He will not correct me, but he controls her. Thoughts?

Over the top

Step mad's picture

Sad let me tell you a story that just sent me over the top, several weeks ago, bw put her foot down on the tv on during homework, of course ss was not happy about it, he would do his homework with the tv on full volume almost, of course all his favorite programs on the big screen, so anyway 1 night I was getting ready for band rehearsal, was anxious to audition a new backup singer, and my wife was anxious to hear the singers demo, I had a disc, ss was doing homework in the living room

Am I focusing to much on Ss?

Step mad's picture

:O been out for a spell, but im back, SS is so overbearing sometimes, and when he invites buddies over, he really treats his mom so bad, just to show off, his additude, so crappy, and it does not make sense to bw and myself, his friends are well behaved, their parents are strict, a solid foundation for a family, and every 1 of his friends parents are church goers. his friend show respect in our house to us and our house, bw always mentions it to him, but he does not seem to care, he ask for help with homework and then corrects Bw all the time. no mom not like that, he says.
